Chapter 55

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Thanks to Banannahp for the idea in the chapter!!

Harry's POV:

"Look James," I whisper, rocking James in my arms, trying to keep both of us warm. "Look it's mummy."

"Ma..." James says, it sounded more like 'muh' but it was close enough.

Teddy has his face to the sky, his mouth open and tongue out of his mouth, trying to catch the snowflakes. He giggles and squeals. "I got one!"

I laugh and turn back to the game. "Teddy do you see the snitch?" My eyes search the field, old habits tend to die hard.

Teddy frowns, he looks around the pitch. "No, where is it?"

James starts to wine, kicking his feet and swinging is arms around, hitting me in the face. "Teddy, can you look in the bag for a teething ring?"

Teddy nods and bends down looking through the bag. "Here." He says.

I ruffle his hair and grab the hat he dropped. "Thanks bud. Put your hat back on, Ginny will bloody murder me if she sees you without your hat on."

He grins and giggles. "Good."

"Good!?" I exclaim laughing with him. "Put your hat on Edward."

"Potter!" A familiar voice yells. "Potter!" I look around for the source of the voice. "Potter!"

When I finally find who it is I laugh. "Professor McGonagall," I say helping her get down the step. "What are you doing here?"

James squeals and giggles as a player whizzes by. Teddy watches in amazement.

McGonagall laughs. "Must you ask such a question? My love for quidditch is well known."  She looks at James. "I don't believe we've met."

"Oh, right, this is James." I say. "He's not the happiest right now, cold and uncomfortable but..."

She smiles at me. "Congratulations, Potter. Now hush and let me watch the game."

. . .

The world seems to be in slow motion as I watch Ginny fall to the ground, her scream echoes through my head. I can do nothing but watch as she hits the ground.

Someone is shaking my shoulder. I look over to McGonagall, her lips are moving but I don't know what she is saying. Eventually, the world unfreezes. "Potter," she says. "Potter."

"Wha..." I blink, looking from her to the field where healers are looking at Ginny. James and Teddy are screaming, Teddy clutching my leg.

"Potter, this way." McGonagall says, pulling the sleeve of my jacket. She leads me onto the field.

The healers whisper over Ginny I sit next to her, holding her hand. James crawls over to Ginny, he holds his hand out but loses his balance and falls over, his screams take me out of my daze.

I pick him up and set him on my lap. "I-Is she okay? What's wrong with her?"

"Sir," a healer says. "Sir, we need to take her to St. Mungo's. Sir please back up."

"Harry," Ginny's teammate pulls me away. "Harry," she shakes my shoulders. "Harry, snap out of it."

. . .

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