Chapter 64

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Andromeda's POV:

A loud crack of thunder wakes me, the clock on my wall reads 1:30. I sigh and roll over onto my side, hoping to fall asleep fast. The lighting lights up my room, telling me that another rumble is coming soon.

The rumble does happen, but is much louder than the one that woke me. I sit up, considering checking on Teddy but when I see my terrified little grandson I get out of my bed.

I walk over to him, his eyes are wide. "Nanna," he whispers, as I bend down to his height. "Can I sleep with you?"

I nod, taking his hand into mine. "Of course, dear." I would lift him but he's far to heavy for me. He crawls onto the bed and I slide in next to him. "There's noting to be scared of, love."

Lighting flashes and the thunder booms at the same time. Teddy pales, his hair does too. I kiss his forehead and push him down lightly. "Go to sleep, love. I'm here."

He hugs the stuffed wolf to his chest, the head tucked under his chin. I run my fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him. His hair turns back to normal as he falls asleep.

I pull my hand away and tuck the blankets over his shoulders. I set my head down on the pillow, listening to the rain pound on the roof I quickly fall asleep.

. . .

I wake to giggles and cold feet against my legs. My eyes squint over at Teddy, he squeals and wraps his arms around my neck. I laugh and peck his cheek. "Good morning, love."

Teddy pulls away from me, grinning. "My feet are cold, nanna!" He exclaims.

I sit up laughing slightly. "I know, darling. I felt them." I slide out of bed and grab my robe. "Teddy, how would you like to go out for breakfast this morning? Your granddad and I would take your mother to a small dinner a little ways away. She loved it."

Teddy's eyes sparkle, he nods excitedly. "Yes please!" He jumps off the bed and runs into the bathroom across the hall.

I shake my head, smiling at my grandson's antics. I walk into his room and pick out an outfit for him. Teddy runs out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. "Can you put this on? I'm going to get dressed as well." He nods and starts to strip off his pajamas.

I leave him, and change into my robes. I brush my hair back into a bun, placing the pin in place I examine my work. Teddy runs into my bathroom. "Nanna, can go now?"

There's a few stray blue hairs standing up on his head. I shake my head and turn him towards the mirror. "I have to fix your hair first." I wet my fingers and smooth the hairs into place.

"Now we go?" Teddy asks as he jumps up and down with a big grin on his face.

I kiss the top of his head, and smile at him in the mirror. "Yes, love. Now we can go."

. . .

"Table for two?" The hostess asks when Teddy and I walk into the small diner. She's a young witch, probably only in her twenties.

"Please." Teddy's small hand sits in mine as we follow her to an open table. Teddy slides into the booth across from me, she gives him a menu and some crayons. "Here you go, love."
She smiles at him, I told Teddy that today would be a good day to practice his transformations. He's sporting a head full of sandy-blonde locks. "And for you, ma'am." She hands me a menu. "Someone will be along shorts to take your drink orders."

"Teddy, Harry and Ginny tell me your reading is getting much better." I set my menu down and open Teddy's. "Why don't you read me the options for breakfast?"

Teddy groans. "Nanna..." he whines, his eyes are wide as he tries to bribe me with his puppy-dog-eyes.

"Edward," I scold lightly. "Read me the menu please." I pointed to the first option and offered, "I'll help you if you need it."

My grandson sighs and looks at the menu and starts to sound-out the first dish. As Teddy concentrates on the words, his hair slips back to its normal color. I chuckle and help him on the words that he stumbles over.

Once he is done and we have ordered, Teddy looks up at me. "Nanna, what did my mum like for breakfast?" His eyes are wide, not with sadness, but with curiosity. "What did she order here?"

I smile at him and ponder at his question, glancing at the menu. "She liked to order different things each time, well she tried at least. Once she had every breakfast meal she started to mix the side options together." I smile at the memory of my daughter.

Teddy smiles at me, giggling softly. "That's fun. But I like my eggs, and toast."

"Your father did too," I say, making sure to mention Remus while Teddy is here. "Your mum couldn't cook to save her life," I laugh lightly. "But when she saw how often Remus would eat eggs and toast she asked me to help her learn how to make it."

"Is it hard to make?" Teddy asks, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

I laugh, shaking my head. "No, it's quite easy to make but Dora burned everything. It took her a while to learn it but once she got it..." I trailed off with a smile. "It was all over for Remus, then. He fell in love with your mother very fast after she served him that first plate of scrambled eggs and toast."

Teddy gives me a small smile and then asks, "they loved each other?"

"Teddy, they loved each other so much." I set my hand on his wrist, squeezing.

"Like Harry and Ginny? And Viccy's mum and dad?" Teddy asks me, trying to understand what love is between a man and a woman.

I nod and squeeze his wrist again. "Exactly like that Teddy. Exactly."

• • •

Once we finish our breakfast head head home, I decided that we should walk so I could show Teddy the town I live in.

I push the door open to the house, and Teddy rushes inside. "Shoes off, Teddy." I instruct.

"Nanna," Teddy tugs on my hand. "Will you tell me more about my parents?"

I nod and pull him over to the book shelfs where I keep my photo albums. "Of course dear. Pick one and I'll talk you though it."


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for me to update but I had a CRAZY two weeks of school. And next Friday I have my AP Human Geography exam that was studying for all week and I'll be doing it all this weekend and all next week so...

So I left you guys with this is because I think that it's better that you guys imagine how the conversation went and what she told Teddy. I also didn't know how to write everything... I wanted it to be good so I decided to write the chapter like this.

Sorry again for the long wait!! This is the craziest time in school right now and that is my main focus.

I get really stressed about tests and then I don't sleep well, and then and get even more stressed when I don't sleep.

I do not do well with stress so it's been a long week...

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to update soon!!

Keep calm and fangirl on!


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