Chapter 30

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Shoutout to all of you guys who are giving me such sweet comments! I read some books and they stop them because people give them hurtful comments. I'm really glad to have you all as my readers! Love you guys!!
Keep commenting!!
Harry POV:
"Harry, we should go through the pictures next." Ginny says, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah." I say. I point my wand at the pictures and I move them to the ground and set them in piles. "I'll go through them." I say sitting cross legged on the ground.
Ginny sits on my legs, "I'll help you, Harry."
There are so many pictures. My mum and dad must have wanted to remember everything.
There is one that is showing my dad flying over to my mum during a match and kissing her.
"I like this one," Ginny says handing me another one.
It shows my mum and Alice Longbottom standing with James and Frank.
"I do too." I say. "But I'm going to put it in storage.
There are so many pictures of my parents on their wedding day, I can't count them all.
"We should give this one to Neville," Ginny says handing me a picture of Frank and Alice's wedding day. I nod, "I'll get it to him."
I go through more pictures when I see Ginny studying a picture. "What you got there Gin?"
"A picture of your mum holding a baby, who is it?"
I take it, and immediately recognize the chubby child. "It's Dudly."
"Did your aunt really hate your mum?"
I nod, "not so much her, but mum being a wizard..."
"Harry, I thought you said that your parents moved out before they had you."
"They did," I say.
"Look at this picture," she says. I take the picture, I see a picture of Sirius holding me as a baby. "You can't be more then a day or two old."
"Maybe they thought that one day they would move back in here one day. Maybe they had Sirius bring it over."
"There could be more baby pictures of you." Ginny says.
I grab another picture and take it out of the frame. There are two of the same pictures, it's of my mum and Petunia. It's a muggle photo, it was taken at Kings Cross my mum looks 11.
"I'm going to give one of these to my aunt."
Ginny nods. And grabs another picture, and smiles. "Look at this one."
I take it, it's of my parents and their friends at their graduation. My mother is being spun around by my dad, a huge smile on both of their faces. Sirius and Remus are high-fiving.
"This is great," I say laughing. I turn the frame over to see a picture of my mum and Snape, it must have been before 5 year.
"They were really close, weren't they?" Ginny asks.
"I guess so." I say shrugging.
We spend hours and hours going through the pictures. We decided to put about 10 up around the house but we put the rest in storage.
Ginny POV:
"Now what?" I ask Harry.
"Now we get the room ready to move in." He says. "With magic of course."
I grin at him. "Let's start with the office."
I take out my wand and get rid of all the dust. Harry grins and kisses the top of my head. "That's my girl."
I laugh and take his hand in mine, "come on, let's go do Teddy's room." I run up the stairs, dragging him behind me.
We put all of the things on the shelves and in drawers in boxes. I find a picture of James, Sirius and Remus and a picture of Lily kissing Remus's cheek. "Why would Sirius have this?"
"Not sure but I love it." Harry says.
Once we get Harry's room ready we go to what would have been his room.
"What if we have a girl?" I ask.
"Then she can have one of the other rooms, I want to keep this room pretty much the same."
I nod, "help me move the crib over here?"
"Sure." We push the crib up against the wall and we move the rocking chair next to the bed.
"Let's leave it for now," he says. "We can add more later."
We don't do much in the other 4 bedrooms just remove dust and such.
We head to the master bedroom. "I will never get sick of this room." I say.
The room is beautiful. (pictured above)
I hear Harry sniffle beside me. I take his hand, "Harry? What's wrong?"
"It just seems... almost wrong that we are going to make this room ours when it was hardly theirs."
I sigh, "Harry, they left this house to you in their will. Your parents wanted you to make this house your home. Harry, their death wasn't your fault." I say. "Harry, your parents would want you to move on with your life. Enjoy it with your wife and friends and soon to be children."
He nods, and pulls me to him. "I love you Ginny."
"I love you too Harry."
Thanks for reading!!
I hope you like it!!
Keep those comments coming guys!!
I love all of you!!
Keep calm and fangirl on!
I need good Percy and Annabeth stories!! I can't find good ones! I keep finding ones that are incredibly and stupidly cheesy, I really don't like ones like that... Fluffy? Yes please!
Thanks for the help!!

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