Chapter 23

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Ginny POV:
Harry collapses next to me, breathing hard. "I love you Ginny."
"I love you too Harry." I say. "Harry when we have children, how many do you want?"
"At least two, a boy and a girl. And I want the girl to look just like you," he says. "Names?" He asks.
"How about I get to pick the first name of our babies and you get to pick the middle name?"
"Why do you get to pick the first name?" Harry asks.
"Because I'm going to give birth to them," I say rolling on top of him.
"Very well," he says. "What do you want to do now?"
"I think the best way to make sure we have children is to practice."
"Oh you think so do you?"
"I do," I say.
"Very well, if your such an expert would you care to show me what we should be practicing?"
"I would love to Mr. Potter." I say pressing my lips to his. "But after we have to start packing, we head home tomorrow morning."
*Time laps*
My bare back lies against Harry's bare chest, our legs tangled together. "Let's just owl Ron and Hermione and tell them we'll be late. Let's just sleep and pack in the morning."
I sigh as he lightly draws circles on my arm with his thumb. "Okay."
"Good night love..." He says kissing my neck.
"Harry I can't sleep when you are doing that."
He pulls away, and pulls me closer to him. "Sorry, love. I love you Gin.
"Love you too," is the last thing I remember before falling asleep.
Harry POV:
I wake up to feel the warmth of Ginny's body against mine. I watch her sleep for a while.
I watch her chest fall and rise. I pull away, she starts to move around but then settles her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, not wanting this moment to end. Ever.
After a half-hour of watching her, she starts to stir. "It's creepy to watch someone sleep Harry."
"Not when the person sleeping is as beautiful as you."
"I already married you Harry, you don't need to win me over. You already did."
"I was just stating the obvious, love."
"I don't want to leave..." She says.
"Neither do I... But I miss our bed... Don't you?"
"I miss what we do in that bed and how it feels." She says.
"Yea... sleeping in that bed is really nice." I say.
"You know what I mean..." She laughs.
"You can go take a shower, I'll pack."
"Or we can wave our wands and take a shower together..."
"I like your thinking Weasley," I say following her into the bathroom.
"I'm a Potter now, Harry." She says stepping into the shower.
"I know... But you'll always be a Weasley, especially with that red hair of yours."
"Shut up and get in here."
Hermione POV:
"Teddy, wake up buddy."
"No." He says.
"Harry and Ginny are coming home today, you gotta wake up for that."
"Harry!" He says sitting up.
"Will you take a bath? So you'll be all clean for Harry?"
"Bath!" He says.
I take him into the bathroom and fill up the tub. I place him in the warm water and let him play for a while. I start to wash his hair, which has chosen to be orange today. Teddy is still little, he doesn't have much control over his hair yet, but he will.
"All clean?" Teddy asks.
"All clean," I pick him up and wrap a towel around him. "Can you go into our room and wait for me there please?"
"Okay, when Harry getting back?"
"Around lunch," I say.
"Yay!" He says running out of the bathroom.
"Walk please!"
I pick up his pajamas when I hear Ron say, "Tedster lets get you dressed."
*time laps*
"Where Harry?" Teddy asks pulling on my pant leg.
Harry POV:
I knock on Ron and Hermione's door. "It's open!" Ron shouts.
When I open the door Teddy comes running towards us. "Harry!"
I bend down and pick him up, "I missed you buddy!"
"I miss you too!" Teddy says.
"Did you miss me?" Ginny asks.
"Ginny!" He reaches for her.
She takes him in her arms.
I hug Ron and Hermione, "thank you so much for watching him."
"It's was great fun," Hermione says.
After we tell them about our trip and they tell us about Teddy. "Can we go home?" Teddy asks.
I take Ginny's hand, "yea lets go home."

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang