Chapter 72

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*time lapse: Teddy is ten, James is 2 almost 3, Albus is about 6/7 months and Rose is 3/4 months*

Ginny's POV:

I lift a smiley, giggly Albus out of the small baby bathtub. Unlike James, Albus loves taking baths. The warm water always helps to calm him when he gets colicky. I wrap him in a warm towel and carry him to his room.

Harry walks out of James's room, shutting the door softly behind him. He turns to face me, a smile on his face. "I got him to sleep." I laugh and peck his cheek.

"Good job, love." I laugh, shifting my tired baby in my arms. "Teddy said that he wanted to help me dress him after his bath, will you get him and then go downstairs and pour us some wine?"

Harry gives me a lazy smile and pecks my temple and then kisses the top of Al's head. "Good night, love." He whispers and gives him another kiss.

Teddy helps me put Al into his pajamas. He snaps the last button shut and smiles up at me. "Can I carry him over to his crib?" Teddy begs. "Please? I'll be super, supper careful I promise."

I trust him to carry Al, I know he can do it but I've been even more protective over Al. I have seen him with machines keeping him alive, I don't need to see him that way ever again. I kneel down in front of Teddy. "You can carry him, Teddy. But," I take his hands in mine. "I don't want you to carry him anywhere else unless Harry or I say you can and we're there with you. Okay?" He nods. "Just until he's older, he's still pretty little right now so we have to be careful with him. And with Rosie. She's even younger than Al, okay?"

"I promise." He says, his hair turning a dark blue color that it always turns when he's focused and serious.

I lift Al off the changing table and carefully set him in Teddy's arms. "Okay, you can step up on the stool and lower him in." Teddy nods and walks over to Albus's bed, he steps on the stool and sets Albus onto the sheets in his crib.

Teddy turns to grin at me. "Did I do okay?"

I kiss the top of his head. "Yes, Teddy. You did a wonderful job. Why don't you get ready for bed and you can read for a half an hour. Okay?"

Harry and I have been trying to get Teddy used to not having us or his grandma around when he's getting ready for bed and getting up in the morning since we won't be there for him when he goes to Hogwarts next year. Teddy nods and wraps his arms around my waist. "Good night, Ginny."

"Goodnight, love." I kiss the top of his head and we walk out of the room.

• • •

I sit down next to Harry, and take a sip of the wine he poured me. He hands me a letter, "your captain sent this."

I take the letter and read it over. "She's asking about the coming season. If I'm going to come back."

Harry nods and lifts one my feet up and onto his leg, massaging. I moan softly and close my eyes. "Do you want to go back?"

I nod lifting my other foot up for him. "I do but I hate to leave the boys."

Harry clears his throat, and pushes his glasses up (even though they weren't falling down) and looks up at me. He always fiddles with his glasses when he's nervous. "Uh, I actually wanted to talk to you about that."

I cock my head and eye him. "Okay, you're scaring me." I remove my feet from his lap and sit on his lap instead. I play with the hair on the lower part of his head. "What's up?"

He sighs and looks up at me. "I didn't grow up with a dad, but now that I am one I'm realizing how much I love being one. I don't want to leave the boys with someone all day. And I know that I just went back to work but I just miss them so much." Harry lets out another sigh before continuing, "I was thinking of saying home with the boys when you're in season."

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now