Chapter 13

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Ginny's POV:

I look at the ring on my finger for the
thousandth time today. Right now Harry and I are getting Teddy ready to tell my family, "Harry, did you ask for my dad's permission?"

"No, I asked all of your brothers and dad." Harry grins at me as he pulls a plaid shirt over Teddy's head.

"All of them?" I ask worriedly, thinking of one person in particular.

"I went to Hogwarts." he smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Mum!" I shout as we enter my old house.

"Ginny, dear!" She exclaims, embracing me into a hug.

During dinner I notice the ring on Hermione's finger, "congratulations." I whisper. "Let's tell them together." She leans over to Ron while I tell Harry.

"Mum, Hermione and I have great news," Ron announces standing up.

"So do Ginny and I," Harry nods. I look at Hermione and we both hold up our hands with the ring on our finger.

The whole table is silent, before Teddy breaks it, "Viccy, why we bein' quiet?" We all burst into laughter. My mum hugs all of us and my brothers pat him on the back.

After dinner we head home and Harry goes to his study, "Harry, how's the search for Malfoy going?"

I sit on his lap, "not well."

"Harry, did you check Malfoy Manor?"

"Yeah, but I think I'm going to suggest to search it again. Is Teddy asleep?" I nod. He starts to kiss my neck, I giggle, kiss him on the mouth, and we stumble up the stairs.

We continue to make out and it's going somewhere when we see a tear streaked Teddy on the bed, "Teddy what's wrong?"

"Hawy, I had a bad dream. You and Ginny gonna leave me?" He asks.

"No. Never." I assure him. He comes over and hugs me before I hug him back and ruffle his sad looking blue hair and lay him back in bed.

"We need to start planning" I whisper once we are back in our own room.

"I know. We will. Who are you going to have to be your maid of honor?"

"Hermione. What about your best man?"

"Ron. This is insane," he tells me.


"We practically have a child together and we are getting married," he murmurs.

"Wow, I've never thought of it that way. But I like our little family. And I can't wait to have more with you."

"You're not.... are you...?" He whispers, eyes wide.

"No!" I whisper shout.

"Okay. I would've been fine if you are but I think that your dad would've killed me."

"I wouldn't let him. My 'baby' needs his daddy."

"How many do you want?"

"At least two," I tell him.

"Me too. I want a little girl," he smiles at me.


"I don't know, but I want a little girl with red hair."

"I want a little boy with your black hair that doesn't settle down." I laugh. He kisses my forehead and we rapidly fall asleep in each other's arms.




Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now