Chapter 73

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Harry's POV:

Albus has been able to sleep through the night for a week or so now, but he caught James's cold and has woken me and Ginny twice so far tonight. Once at 11:00 p.m. and now at 2:00 a.m.

I sit up and peck her forehead, "I'll get him. You do back to sleep. You need your rest." I know she wants to argue with me, since I got him last time but she just nods and closes her eyes.

She has to leave for practice in a few hours, she can't be tired from staying up with a cranky baby for an hour or so. I pull on my robe and grab my wand.

Albus is sitting up in his bed when I walk in, he sees me and reaches his arms up. He lets out a shriek and kicks his feet. I shush him and lift him up into my arms. "Shh... it's alright, Al.  I'm here." I grab the box that contains a snitch and I sit in the rocking chair, which rocks on its own of course.

I have learned that two things help to calm him down when he's sick or colicky, a warm bath and a snitch flying around. I charm the snitch to fly low and I let it go. I put my feet up on the rocking footrest and lean back.

Al leans against my back, watching the snitch flutter in front of him. He grabs my hand and guides a finger into his mouth. As he chews on my finger I feel a tooth or two coming in, I point my wand at the drawer with the teething rings and I send one over to me. He probably doesn't feel them coming in yet, but I know he will soon.

I take my finger from his mouth and give him the ring, he takes it gladly and leans back again. He lets out a whine and throws the ring onto the floor, he starts to cry again.

I pick him up and lift him higher on my chest, I grab the medicine and put it onto a spoon. Albus whines again and turns his head away from the spoon. "Come on, Al. This will make you feel better."

Once I get him to take the medicine and to calm down, I accidentally fall asleep in the chair.

• • •

Ginny's POV:

My alarm goes off at 5:30 so I can be on time for my 6:00 practice, I notice that Harry isn't back in bed yet. I figure that he must still be with Al and I get dressed into my practice gear.

I start to walk towards the stairs when I stop to peak into Al's room. Harry and Albus are asleep on the rocking chair, a snitch flutters in front of them. I smile and rest my head on the door frame, I watch them for a little while before heading downstairs to make my coffee and breakfast.

I quickly heat my coffee to the perfect temperature, using my wand. I also make a quick piece of toast and spread some jam on it. I leave a quick note to Harry that won't be home for dinner, I forgot to tell him yesterday that we would be doing interviews and photo shoots all day.

I rush upstairs to kiss each of my boys goodbye: Teddy, James, Al and Harry. Harry stirs but I shush him and he falls back asleep.

• • •

Harry's POV:

I wake to someone shaking my leg and whispering my name. "Harry, Harry."

I open my eyes to see my blue-haired godson standing in front of me - well a very blurry version of my godson. "Teddy? Where are my glasses?"

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