Chapter 5

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Edited by: callmesnuffles

Harry's POV:

"Mum, Dad, can Harry and I talk to you after dinner?" Ginny asks her parents during tea.

"Sure dear." Mrs. Weasley says. We eat the rest of dinner with laughter and talking, I glace at a Ginny every once in a while, she has Teddy sitting on her lap and is cutting up his food for him.

"Teddy, what do you say to Ginny?" I ask.

"Tank 'oo Geey." he says, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Everyone but Ginny's parents, Ginny, Teddy and I leave the table.

"What do you want to talk about?" Mr. Weasley asks.

"I want to move in with Harry and Teddy at Grimmauld Place." Ginny says simply.

"When did you decide this?" Mrs. Weasley.

"A couple of weeks ago." I say.

"I love Ginny very much and I think it would be a good step in our relationship to do this."

"And I love Harry and Teddy very much and I want to move in with him." Ginny says. I grab her hand.

"Alright, you can move in with Harry." Mr. Weasley says. Ginny kisses both of them on the cheek and runs upstairs to pack." Harry, can I talk to you alone?"

"Yes sir." I say. Mrs. Weasley leaves the kitchen. "What about?"

"Harry, do you love my daughter? Do you love her enough to marry her one day?"

"Yes, I really do. I see Ginny and I getting married and having a family." I say hoping I convince him.

"I trust you with her Harry, and if you hurt her you have me and her brothers to deal with." he says.

"Yes, I know that, I love her and don't ever plan on hurting her." I go upstairs to see Ginny taking to Hermione as they pack her clothes.

"Hello love." I say kissing her.

"What did my father want?" she asks, handing me a shirt to help fold.

"Just to tell me that he trusts me with you and that if I hurt you I'll have him and your brothers to worry about." I laugh.

"Gin, why are you packing a bag?" Ron asks, walking in.

"I'm moving in with Harry." Ginny says. "We asked mum and dad, they said it was fine. You don't have a say in it." she says warningly. Ron doesn't look happy, but he just nods.

"Gin, why are we folding everything, when we could just send them to our house?" I see her smile when I say 'our house'. She takes out her wand and flicks it at her dresser and it disappears. I smile and get Teddy who is being watched by George.

"Take care of my sister, Potter." he says, handing me Teddy.

"I will. Say bye to George." I tell him.

"Bye bye Worge." he says.

I head downstairs grab Ginny's hand,we apparate to my- no, our, new house.

***A few days later***

Ginny's  POV:

Teddy is staying at his grandmother's house for tonight and tomorrow night. I'm going to miss him, but Harry and I are happy for some time alone. I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Andromeda standing in the doorway.

"Hi, thank you so much for taking Teddy." I say, hugging her. "Teddy come here!"

He toddles over. "Yaya!" he says, she picks him up and kisses his cheek.

"Hi Andromeda, here are Teddy's things, thank you for taking care of him." Harry says, giving her the bag with his toys, clothes, nappies and other things.

"It's no problem at all dears, have a nice night." she says, taking Teddy with her as she leaves.

Once the door closes we are kissing passionately. I pull away, and he moans in disappointment. I laugh and kiss him lightly and run upstairs into our bed room.

"Where do you think you're going?" he says, following me upstairs. He pulls me into his lips. We've never kissed like this before, and I really like it. I play with the hem of his shirt, he pulls it off. "Gin, are you sure you want to do this? I can wait, I don't want to pressure you into anything."

"Yes, Harry I'm sure. I made potions so I don't get pregnant." I say, walking over to the dresser. I drink the potion and walk back over to him.

"Gin are you-" I cut him off.

"Shut it Potter, and kiss me." I say, pulling my hair out of the ponytail. He pulls me close and kisses me, I pull of my shirt. He stops to look at me.

"You are so beautiful." he says. I push him onto the bed and climb on top of him, I start to undo the button on his pants, but I struggle to do it.

"Have I ever said how much I hate buttons?"  I ask, but I finally undo it and I pull his pants off, I lick a line above the hem of his boxers, he reaches and undoes my bra. Harry flips us over so he is on top of me, he places a light kiss on my breast and puts his hand over my pants and looks at me to ask a silent question, I nod and he undoes my pants and pulls off my underwear and I pull off his boxers, not with my teeth though. We begin to kiss again.

***The next morning***

Ginny's POV:
I wake with Harry's naked body pressed against mine.

"Last night was amazing!"

And a little painful, I add silently.

"I love you so much Ginny." he says.

"I love you even more Harry." I say. He kisses me on the head.

"Can we just stay like this all day?"

"I have the day off, so yes we can." he says, "I'll get us some breakfast though." He kisses my cheek and gets up. I look at him.

"Like what you see?" I blush and turn away as he changes into pants. He throws me a pair, underwear, and a shirt. I change as he gets breakfast for us. He comes back up with food. We eat in silence. When we are done Harry flicks his wand and the dishes disappear.

I yawn and lay my head on Harry's bare chest and fall asleep.

Harry's POV:

Ginny falls asleep on me. I take her and pull the covers up to her chin, and I fall asleep next to her.

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