Chapter 50

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*three and one half months later--James is 3 and 1/2 months*

Ginny's POV:

I laugh while I watch Harry play peekaboo with James. Who just started to laugh and smile at us. (I looked up the age for babies and what they do at that age). "There he is!" Harry exclaims, James squeals and kicks his feet, giggling. He reaches for his dad's glasses, Harry pulls away laughing.

"Where's the baby?" He sings. "There he is!" Harry pulls his hands away. James squeals again.

Teddy huffs from next to me, "why does James like that? It's the same thing over and over."

I laugh and shrug, "because he's a baby, babies like silly things. You would squeal and laugh, like he is, when you would pull my hair. Go get your book, we need to keep practicing your reading."

He sighs. "Okay." As he walks over to the stairs he trips over nothing but recovers.

Harry laughs, "just like his mother."

When Teddy comes back down James starts to cry. "Harry there's milk in the fridge for him."

He nods, and lifts James up. There's a knock at the door. "Keep going, I'm going to get the door." Teddy nods and looks back down at his book.

I open the door to see a tear streaked and snow covered Hermione. "Hermione," I whisper, "what's wrong?"

She shakes her head sobbing, "my marriage." She buries her face into my chest.

"Gin, who's at the--oh," it's Harry, I shake my head, telling him not to speak anymore.

"Teddy, why don't you read to Harry and James? I'll be right back." I say helping Hermione up the stairs and into a guest room.

"Hermione," I say once the door is closed. "Hermione what's wrong?"

She shakes her head, "I don't know... Ron and I haven't been talking, like really talking. Sure we're polite with each other but..." she puts her face into her hands. "The spark is gone, Ginny."

"You have to work to keep that spark, Hermione." I tell her. "It's hard but--"

"Ginny it's been months," Hermione says. "Months since we last..."

Months? Shit. Even Harry and I have had a few nights to ourselves.

"I mean sure," she says. "It's not like we did it every night but it was at least four times a week maybe even fi--"

"Hermione," I stop her. "This is my brother we're talking about, don't talk about your sex life, in detail. Please." I beg, not wanting to hear any more about her and my brother... doing things.

She sniffles, "sorry. What do I do?"

I sigh, "Hermione you love Ron, don't you?" She nods. "You want to get through this don't you?" Again she nods. "Then go home and seduce your husband."

"I tried!" Hermione cries. "Couple of nights ago I walked into our room in lingerie and he turned me down." A tear leaks into her cheek. "Didn't exactly make me feel great."

Ron you bloody idiot. When your wife... I sigh, "oh Hermione. Why don't you stay here for tonight? You can go home tomorrow afternoon and then you and Ron can come over later for Christmas." She nods. "I'll go get you some pajamas."

She hugs me, "thank you."

. . .

That night after we put James and Teddy to sleep Harry and I lay in bed. I look over at him as he reads his book. "Harry," I say.

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now