Chapter 7

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****Time laps to Teddy's 2nd birthday****

Harry's POV:

"Hawy, Hawy," my godson cries from his room.

I shoot up out of bed and run into his room, "What's wrong Teddy?"

"Moony!" he cries, I look to see Moony on the ground; the toy must've fallen out of his crib. I pick it up and hand it to him. His hair turns back to its normal color.

"Harry, what's wrong? I heard Teddy screaming," Ginny says rushing into the room.

"Moony fell out of his crib," I tell her pulling Teddy from his bed, "hey Teddy bear, it's your birthday!"

"That's right! We're going to the Burrow tonight for his birthday dinner," Ginny says. I change Teddy's diaper and put him in clothes. We walk down stairs, me holding his hand so he won't fall, when we walk into the kitchen I see Kreacher putting breakfast out, "Thank you Kreacher," Ginny says.

"Kreacher is happy to do it for Master Harry and Ginny and Teddy," Kreacher says.

We sit down for breakfast, "Ginny, should we give Teddy his present now or later?" I ask.

"Pwesents!" Teddy exclaims from his chair.

"Now?" Ginny laughs, getting up to get his present from our bedroom. She comes back with the box and she puts it in front of Teddy and she sits on my lap, "all right Teddy Bear you can open it."

He rips the paper off and takes off the top and looks inside to see the different toys we got him, "fank you Hawy and Geey!" he says coming over to hug us, Ginny picks him up and puts him in her lap.
"I love our little family," Ginny tells me later that day as we watch Teddy play with his new toys and Moony.

"I do too Gin," I say kissing her, she kisses back and we continue to kiss but then we remember Teddy is right there, we pull apart to see him still playing with his toys. We shrug and continue to kiss.

"Hawy?" Teddy asks, looking up from his toys.

"Yea Teddy Bear?" I ask pulling away from Ginny.

"When are we goin to the Burrow?" he asks.

"Well," I say looking at the clock on the wall, "about an hour, which means you need a bath," I tell him, getting up and walking in his direction.

"No!" Teddy yells.

"Edward Lupin don't shout at us!" Ginny exclaims.

"No bath! No bath!" Teddy says running away. I run after him and pick him up.

"Yes bath! Yes bath!" I tell him kissing his neck. I bring him into the bathroom and start to run the water. I take off his clothes and he tries to squirm out of my grasp, "Edward!" I exclaim. I finally get him into the bath and clean him, but now he doesn't want to get out, "Gin!" I call, needing my backup.

She walks into the bathroom and laughs, "Let me guess, he doesn't want to get out?"

"Yup," I tell her, "can you get him out?" she nods, I leave so I can get changed. I put on jeans and a striped green shirt that Ginny says makes my eyes 'pop', whatever that means. I walk out to see Ginny walking out with Teddy on her hip with a towel around him, "thanks love," I kiss her on the cheek, and I take Teddy from her to change him. I put him in black pants and a blue shirt, not the color of his hair but a dark blue.

"You boys ready?" Ginny asks walking into Teddy's room.

"Yup," I say, and we head down stairs and to the Burrow.

Ron POV:

I hear a knock at the door and open it to see Harry, Ginny and Teddy, "Won Won Won!" Teddy yells running into my arms, I pick him up and toss him into the air, and he giggles as I do.

"Hey 'Mione," Harry says kissing her on the back of the head. I don't mind when he does this, because I know she's like a sister to him.

"Harry, Ginny, there you are! We've been waiting for you," my dad says, hugging Ginny and shaking Harry's hand enthusiastically.

"Dinner!" Mum yells from the kitchen. I walk in with Teddy and put him in a chair between Hermione and Ginny. Bill and Fleur follow after me sitting down next to me, "Happy Birthday Teddy," mum exclaims as she sets dinner on the table. Teddy beams with happiness, giggling.

We eat as we usually do, loud and full of laughter. Towards the end Bill stands up, "Fleur and I have an announcement," she stands up as well, "We are having a baby!" it gets really quite emotional, then mum stands up and hugs both of them.

"I'm going to be a grandmother again!" she says, looking at Teddy who is confused by the situation.

"Congratulations Bill," Hermione says, putting a hand on his arm.

"Yea congratulations Bill," I laugh.

Bill slaps me on the back of the head as Hermione scolds me, "Ronald!"

"Ow!" I exclaim rubbing the back of my head, as other people congratulate them.
"Okay, it's time for Teddy to open presents!" Mum exclaims excitedly after we finish dinner. Bill picks up Teddy and holds him like he is flying around the house, Teddy 'flies' into the living room to open his presents. I look over to Fleur who is watching her husband with a smile on her face, admiring his relationship with Teddy.

"Teddy this is from your Grandparents," Ginny says, placing Teddy on her lap. He opens the box and pulls out a picture of Tonks and Remus on their wedding day.

"Who dat?" Teddy asks, looking confused.

"This is your mum and dad," Ginny says quietly.

"Where are dey?" Teddy asks, him being only 2 years old he often forgets about their death.

We all go silent, "They aren't here with us Teddy, they are protecting Hogwarts," Harry says ruffling his hair.

"Okay," Teddy says, not really seeming to understand.

"This is from Hermione and Ron," Ginny says smiling handing him the present. He opens it and pulls out the children story book The Tales of Beedle the Bard, "thank you Hermione and Ron, I loved this book growing up! Teddy, say thank you."

"Fank you Hermy and Won," Teddy says getting up to hug us, Hermione bends down to hug him. After Teddy is done opening his presents, Harry and Ginny take him to Andromeda's to spend the night, which I can tell you right now I don't like the idea of, but Hermione would get pretty mad at me if I were to say something.

Later that night as we were getting ready for bed Hermione asked, "Ron do you think I would be able to find my parents in Australia?"

I turned to face her, "I would think so 'Mione, would you like me to come with you if you decide to go?" she nods and kisses me, 'we should get a place of our own,' I think to myself.

"I think so too," she says seriously.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask, embarrassed at first.

"Yes," she giggles, "we could start looking after we find my parents."

"I would like that," I say kissing her nose. I fall asleep with my around her.

Hermione POV:

I wake up to Ron's arms around me, I smile and try to slide out but his grip tightens on me, "where do you think you're going?" he grunts.

"I'm going to take a shower," I giggle.

"I'll come with you," he says, we get out of bed and go into the bathroom, hoping nobody saw us. (A/N: I have like no clue how to write a shower scene so... yea) Once we are done, we go back into our room to get dressed.

"Ron don't look at me," I tell him when he turns around. I drop my towel so I can put my underwear and bra on I turn around to see Ron facing me, "Rooon," I wine.

"I'm sorry 'Mione I just can't help myself, you are so beautiful," Ron says looking at me even more which makes me flush bright red, "and I love your blush." he adds. I get dressed and we head down to breakfast.

"Morning Ron, Morning Hermione," Ms. Weasley says kissing me on the cheek as we walk into the kitchen.

"Morning mum," Ron says kissing her on the cheek we sit down to eat, "dad we were thinking of trying to find 'Mione's parents, where should we start?"

"I would probably start by looking in dentists offices with the last name Wilkins," Mr. Weasley says thoughfully.

Ron and I nod, "We were also thinking of getting a place of our own," I say.

"All my babies are growing up!" Mrs. Weasley exclaims. Which is true, Charlie is in Romania, Bill lives with Fleur, George and Angelina live above the shop, and Ginny lives with Harry. After breakfast we go upstairs so we can get ready to go over to Harry and Ginny's; it's Saturday so we don't have work.

"Hermione, I'll ask my boss if I can get 2 weeks off from work on Monday," Ron says.

"Thank you," I say kissing him and we leave to go to Harry and Ginny's.

Ginny POV:

I wake to my body pressed to Harry's and the events of last night come back to me, I blush at the thought, "why are you blushing?" he asks, smiling.

"Just last night is all," I tell him kissing him, he kisses back and rolls over so he is on top of me we continue to kiss and it seems like it's going somewhere.

"Hey, Ginny-SORRY!" Hermione yells slamming the door, I gently push Harry off of me and get dressed and I throw him some clothes, I walk down the stairs to see Hermione holding Ron back.

"Good morning Ron," I say casually, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

Hermione lets go of Ron just as Harry walks down the stairs. Ron is on him as fast as possible, pushing him against the wall with his arm across Harry's throat, "what did you do to my sister?" he yells in Harry's face.

"Ronald Weasley! He is your best friend!" Hermione shouts as we pull him off of Harry, we finally do and Harry falls to the ground coughing.

"Right now he is the guy who slept with my sister!" Ron shouts, his face red.

Harry POV:

"Right now he is the guy who slept with my sister!" Ron yells after the girls pull him off me.

"Ron, you have to understand that Harry and I live together, that was bound to happen at some point," Ginny says helping me up and looking at me in the eyes saying, 'don't say anything stupid' which I tend to do in these situations.

"Ginny I know that, it's just that... you're my little sister and..." he trails off, "I'm sorry, Harry."

"It's alright mate," I tell him. I hear a knock on the door I go over to open it to see Teddy's grandmother holding a tear streaked and red and blue haired Teddy, "Is everything alright?" I ask; she wasn't supposed to drop him off until later today.

"Yes everything is fine, it's just that this morning he wouldn't stop crying and screaming for you," Andromeda says handing me Teddy.

"Hawy, Hawy!" he cries, "I fot you lef me!"

"Shhh... Teddy it's okay, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere," I say soothing him but he continues to cry.

"I'm going to go home, I'm sorry to do this but I don't think he should come back to my house today," Andromeda says. I nod and close the door behind her.

I try to set Teddy down but he screams again, "Hawy!" I hold him close to me trying to keep my tears in.

"Harry you should take Teddy into your room he might calm down if it's just you," Hermione says. I nod and take him upstairs to our room. I try to set him down again but he screams my name again.

"Teddy Bear look at me," I say he pulls back from my tear stained shirt and looks at me, "Teddy I'm not going anywhere, I'll always be there for you, you don't have to worry about it." he nods but starts to cry again, he is probably tired from the crying.

I get up to place him in his bed but he yells again, "Hawy no! No Hawy!" I sigh and take him back down stairs, we sit in the living room and talk, Teddy falls asleep his tiny hands clutching my shirt.

"I hate how upset he is," I tell my friends and girlfriend.

"I know Harry, but he has you to comfort him," Ginny says, I can tell she was crying when I went upstairs. I can finally put Teddy in his crib. I walk back down stairs and talk to my friends.

"You guys want me to get you some butterbeers?" I ask.

"Sure. Thanks love" Ginny says I kiss her goodbye.

Ginny POV:

15 minutes after Harry leaves I hear Teddy crying in his room, "Hawy! Hawy!" I go upstairs to get him out but when I try to lift him out he screams even louder.

"Teddy it's okay, Harry is coming right back, I promise," I tell him but he continues to cry harder, I hand him Moony who fell off the bed, but he just throws it across the room, if Harry were here I would scold him but he is only mad because Harry is gone, I start to cry not knowing what to do, Teddy screams louder, 10 minutes later Harry comes into the room.

"Hawy! Hawy!" Teddy screams, Harry picks up the screaming baby presses his face to his chest to ease the sobs.

"Ginny, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left him here when he had his meltdown earlier," Harry says kissing me on the temple.

"It's okay. It was just scary to not know what to do and not be able to stop him from crying," my tears finally stop.

Teddy sobs into his chest again, "Hawy don't weave me!"

"I'm not going to leave you," he tells him rubbing his back. We head back down stairs and Harry sits down on the ground next to Teddy while he plays with his toys.

"Ron and I are going to try to find my parents and once we do we are going to get a place of our own," Hermione says.

"Really? That's great!" I tell her. We talk about how they are going to find them.

"We should probably go," Ron says.

"Okay, bye Ron, bye Hermione," I say hugging both of them.

That night we are in bed with Teddy sleeping in between us, "Harry what are we going to do?" 

"I don't know Gin, but we need to do something because we need to go to work on Monday and I don't want to leave your mum with him screaming like he did today," he says rubbing Teddy's back.

I get up and go into Teddy's room to find the parenting book that we found when we unpacked Teddy's things. I walk back into our room, "good idea Gin."

I flip to the section about separation anxiety, and read what it says to do, "it says we need to keep the 'goodbye's' short, and we should drop him off a half an hour early at my mums house, we should give him something to do before we leave, and we should tell him that we are leaving beforehand."

"Alright, we can try that tomorrow so he can get used to it before Monday," Harry says kissing me good night.

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