Chapter 34

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Hey guys. So some of you read my update and I talked about my swimming schedule and how it's crazy.
I know probably many of you don't think swimming is a sport. But it is guys. How do you want me to prove it to you? It's in the Olympics for gods sake! Also, it uses almost-pretty much all of your muscles. Another thing, are any of you gymnasts? One of my closest friends, practically my sister, is a gymnast an amazingly good one at that and she a had little brake from gymnastics and she wanted to keep in shape so she decided to swim. And she told me today that it's hard. She knew it was a sport she just didn't think it was that hard. (Her words, not mine)
Anyways guys, it's really not okay that you guys were saying how hard your summer is because you have all of these sports and you were saying that I have it easy and whatnot.
Let me ask you guys something...
So you know that swimming is very shoulder oriented right? Okay so my shoulders are lose in their sockets so when I swim, I'm in pain. Every time I swim I'm in pain, sometimes it's so painful I'm crying while I swim or I have to stop and get out. Do any of you have that problem? Something that you love so much, one of the only things your good at causes you pain...
Guys what I'm trying to say is that you can't insult something this important to me...
Swimming is a hard sport. For me and all of my friends. But for me it's harder. Please don't ever say that anyone's sport isn't hard because all sports are hard.
And don't ever say that swimming isn't a sport or that it's not hard because; 1) you're an ass and 2) I lose any respect for you.
Sorry guys, I had to get that off my chest. On with the story!
Ron POV:
I sigh for about the forth time that morning. "'Mione, I promise I'll be fine, you'll be fine... we'll all be fine."
She wraps her arms around me, pressing her face to my chest. "I know but after the war..."
I kiss the top of her head, "I know, 'Mione. I'm scared too but Harry and I will catch this guy." I wipe a tear away from under her eye. "It's okay, Hermione. I have to go."
She lets go, "okay. I'll see you after?"
I nod, "I love you Hermione."
"I love you too." She says.
Harry and I walk into our office to see Ella, our intern, making out with the boy from last night who picked her up. Harry clears his throat.
They pull apart, Ella's face lights up. "Jason was just, uh, saying goodbye."
The boy smirks, "sure lets go with that."
Ella slaps his head, "leave, I have work."
He laughs, "yeah, yeah, I know when I'm not needed."
Once he's gone Ella turns to face us, "I'm really sorry... I didn't-we did-he came-"
"Ella," I interrupt, "it's fine, I got enough of it with Harry and Ginny in 6th year."
Harry hits me with a folder and sits at his desk.
Ella nods, "and I'm really sorry about last night... I should've thought that it would've scared your godson and your wife. But it was keeping me up, I had to tell you." She says to Harry.
"You went to Harry's?" I ask.
Harry nods and explains her idea about the Hooded, how she thinks that he tricked Voldemort to make him think that he was on his side but he was actually planing on assassinating him and taking the fame.
"Interesting," I say. "What made you think of that?"
Ella pauses, "I don't really know... I was just thinking, I suppose..."
"Potter, Weasley, we have a lead." The head Auror says walking into our office.
Harry takes the paper, "do you want us to go?"
"Yes, and take Ella with you." He says walking out.
"Really?!" Ella exclaims jumping up. "Sorry... I mean... really?"
Harry laughs, "well, let's go then."
Ella's POV: (thought I would try it)
"Ella," Harry says as we approach the abandoned house, "stay with me when we get to the house, don't go off on your own, understand? If it gets bad you get out, understand?"
I nod, "yes, but-"
"No buts," Ron said. "We were your age once you may think your experienced but your not. You will be, but not right now."
I nod again, "yes, I understand. Jason said the same thing."
When we get to the house Ron goes around the back with another Auror that came with us, Harry and I go into the house.
"Cover me," Harry says, I nod and follow behind him, wand drawn.
(A/N: is anyone else picturing them like holding their wands out like police do with their guns?😂)
We enter each room but don't find anything until we enter what looks to be a bedroom. Harry enters first so he doesn't see the wall that I face.
It's covered in pictures of him, his wife, friends, his godson and others.
"Ha-Har-Harry?" I stutter.
"Yeah?" He turns and stops dead. "Ginny, Teddy," he whispers. "Ron, Hermione..."
"Harry," I swallow hard. "Wh-who are these people?"
Harry sets his hand on a picture of Ginny and Teddy, "everyone I care about..."
I scan the photos when I freeze, "Harry there's one of me..." I point to a picture, I'm sitting in a store reading a book in Hogsmeade.
"Where are you Harry?" Ron yells.
"Up-upstairs!" He stutters.
When Ron comes into the room he stops, "'Mione, George, And Ginny and, mum... Harry we have to get back."
He nods, "we need Aurors set at everyone's house, right away."
I jump as they apparate out of the house. "And now I'm alone..."
I turn to face the pictures to study them, they seem to be in some type of a pattern. Most of them are of Harry, his wife and his godson. But there are quite a few of Ron and his wife...
I shake my head and wave my wand over it, muttering a spell so I can look at this later.
When I arrive back at the office Ron isn't there. "Where's Ron?"
"Hermione works here but on the other side, he's going to check on her and tell her what happened."
"Potter, what did you find?" The head Auror, Johnson, asks.
Harry stands, "no one but we did find a... a wall full of pictures that I care about. My wife and Teddy and Ron's family, our friends."
I wave my wand at a blank wall and a copy of the wall from the house shows up. "This is it..."
Johnson nods, "study it, I'll get others to help as well... and, very good Ms. Laws."
I flush and look down at my feet, "thank you, sir."
So... how was that?! Good? Eh? Bad?
I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do some of Ella's point of view when she's with Jason?
I think that it would be fun!
Oh and how do you like the wall of pictures? Kinda creepy, right?
If you have any ideas please tell me!!
Love you!
Keep calm and fangirl on!

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