Chapter 56

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Harry's POV:

"Teddy watch James for a minute will you? I'm going to go check on Ginny." I kiss the top of his head and I ruffle his blue hair.

I open my bedroom door and peak my head in. Ginny is propped up with a book in her hand. "Ginny the healers told you to rest." I sit next to her on the bed.

"They told me to rest not die of boredom." She says setting her book down. "Can I please come downstairs, Harry?"

I sigh. "Ginny you need to sleep more." I set my hand on her cheek, I run my thumb under her eye. "You still have bags under your eyes."

She gives me a flat look. "Oh my loving husband, how kind of you to make me feel so beautiful." She says in a monotone voice.

I laugh as I kiss her forehead. "You know I didn't mean it that way. Just try to sleep for a little bit more then you can come downstairs alright?"

"I'm hungry," she says. "Can you bring me something to eat and then I will try to fall asleep."

James' cries cause both of us to start to get up, Harry pushes me down. "He's hungry. I'll bring him up."

She nods and takes my hand, pulling me back to her. She kisses my lips. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"'Course." I say kissing her cheek and walking towards the door.

"Chicken noodle soup!" She yells.

"I know what to do." I laugh shutting the door behind me.

Teddy is rocking James while he is in his carrier, James' face is all red and his cheeks are soaked with tears. "Thanks, Teddy. You go start the math worksheet on the table, I'll be in a minute. Thanks for watching James."

He nods and runs off into the kitchen. I pick James up and carry him upstairs. "It's okay, bud. Mommy is going to feed you." I coo down at him.

When I walk back into the bedroom Ginny has a pillow on her lap and a blanket over her chest. I hand him over. "Do you need anything else?"

She shakes her head. "Nope I'm good. Just come up in a few minuets and take him." I nod and kiss the top of her head.

I sit next to Teddy at the kitchen counter helping him with his math. "Come on Teddy, you only have ten more problems, then you're done."

His eyebrows scrunch together. "Too many," he complains.

"Come on, you can do it." I pull him onto my lap and I pull the paper over. He's just starting to learn simple multiplication so it's hard for him sometimes. "Ginny taught you your 2s right? Two, four, six..."

"Eight, ten," Teddy finishes. "I know."

I look at the problem, "four times 2. What is that?"

He sets his head on the table. "I don't know."

I sigh. "Come on, Teddy. Do it with me," I take his hand and make a fist with it. "Two," I pull his thumb out, "four," I pull his pointer finger out. "You finish."

Teddy sighs and lifts another finger. "Six," he removes his ring finger from the fist, "eight. Eight!"

I laugh and kiss the back of his head. "Very good. Now you do the next one I'm going to go get James and make sure Ginny gets some sleep."

He nods. "'Kay."

. . .

The next morning I help Ginny shower. She sits on the bed in a towel. "Bloody hell, Harry. How do you have any hair left?"

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now