Chapter 28

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GUYS! I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT GINNY'S JOB!! She is a chaser for what team again?!?
Thanks for the help!

Harry POV:
"Teddy, you can play in your room. I'm going to take care of Ginny okay?"
"Otay Hawy," he says running off to his room.
I walk into our room, "how are you, love?"
She smiles slightly, "good."
I laugh at her stuffed up nose, "you don't sound too good." I sit on the bed and hand her the soup.
She crinkles her nose.
"Come on Gin, it'll help your throat feel better." He takes the spoon, "open."
She shakes her head, keeping her mouth shut.
"Ginny," I say raising my eyebrows.
"Harry," she mimics.
I sigh, "please, love? It'll make you feel better."
"I'm not hungry."
"Ginny it's soup, it's hardly food."
She groans, "fine, but you have to feed me."
I grab the spoon and feed her the soup. "Fred says 'hi' by the way. And hopes you feel better soon."
She freezes, "how is he?"
I laugh and brush her hair out of her face, "he's just fine, don't you worry."
I bring the spoon up to her mouth, she takes it. "How did the teaching thing go?"
"Pretty good, we got some pretty good questions. Mcgonagall says 'hello.'"
"Hawy? Ginny?" Teddy says climbing onto the bed.
"Hey, bud. You want to help me?"
He nods, I set him on my lap and let him feed Ginny.
Ron POV:
I walk in from visiting Hogwarts to see Hermione in the kitchen. "Hello, love."
She turns and smiles at me, "hey, how was Hogwarts?"
"The same as always, Fred says 'hi.'" I place a kiss on the top of her head. "How was work?"
"Busy, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised, working at the daily prophet and all. Set the table for me?"
"Sure, dinner almost ready?"
"Just a few minutes, yeah." She says.
I set place mats, plates, cups and silverware on the table.
"What would you like to drink?" I ask.
"Water is just fine."
We sit down to dinner, "what types of things did the students ask?"
I take a bite of chicken and swallow. "Many different things, actually. We got some about the war and about our time at Hogwarts."
"How was the school? Any different?"
"Not really no. Harry and I saw a girl who reminded me of you."
She raises an eyebrow, "oh? Why's that?"
"She ran into Harry, because she was studying on her way to class."
"What does that have to do with me?"
I laugh, "exams aren't for a good 5 months."
Hermione blushes, "well, maybe she just had a test, not a major exam."
Ron takes her hand across the table, "whatever you say Hermione..."
They eat in comfortable silence for a few minutes when Hermione breaks it, "I was thinking of watching a movie tonight, what do you think?"
"It's a muggle thing, it's really great. Watch it with me?"
"Whatever you want, love." I say.
I walk into the sitting room to see Hermione starring at her 'mudblood' scar. She starts to trace it, her face pale.
"Hermione," I say sitting next to her. I take both of her hands in mine. "I love you."
A tear leaks down her cheek, "I love you too."
I wipe the tear away. "Now, let's watch the... What was it called again?"
She laughs, "a movie."
"Okay, great," I pull her close to me. "Let's watch." I kiss the top of her head.

I know the Mudblood scar isn't in the book I just thought it would be a cute moment between the two.

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