Chapter 32

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Harry POV:
"Edward Remus Lupin!" I exclaim chasing after my naked godson.
He giggles as we run around the house. "Teddy! You're going to fall and get hurt and Ginny will be mad!"
"I want Ginny!" He says running to the door.
Thats a great way to meet our neighbors, I thought.
"No! Teddy! Stay inside!" I exclaim.
Teddy grabs onto the doorknob and opens the door, he tries to get out but I grab onto him.
"Teddy, I told you-" I stop when I see the Minister of Magic standing on my doorstep.
"Mr. Potter," he says. "Bad time?"
I stand up, my naked godson in my arms, "uh, no. You can come in..." Teddy squirms. "You can wait in the kitchen. I need to..." I trail off and look at the boy in my arms.
He nods, "yes, very well."
I take Teddy upstairs. "Teddy, that man is my boss. I need you to calm down a little bit, okay buddy?" I ask sternly.
"Yes, Hawy." He says looking down.
I dress him quickly and head down stairs. I grab a snack for him to eat and turn to face the Minister.
"I'm sorry, it was a crazy morning. Ginny left for some games out of town. Anyways... What can I do for you?"
"I need you to take on a very promising intern, you and Mr. Weasley I mean."
I raise my eyebrows, "why are you asking me and not a more experienced auror?" I quickly add, "not that I'm not honored, sir."
"This particular girl is a special case she is very brilliant and I think she will do very good under you and Mr. Weasley."
"Uh, yeah. I can talk to Ron and tell you on Monday."
"Yes, that will work." He looks over at Teddy, "how's he doing?"
"Good, I'm trying my best." I grin at my godson. "I think he has Tonks' clumsiness."
He laughs, "oh Merlin, really?"
I nod, "he trips over almost everything..."
"Tell Mcgnagall to 'Tonks' prof the school. I should be going." He says.
"Yes, of course." I say. "I'll walk you out. Teddy stay here, okay?"
"I will see you on Monday," I say closing the door.
"Teddy? I have some work I need to do, can you go play up in your room? I'll come up in a little bit."
He nods, "okay Harry."
I walk into my office and sit down at my desk.
*1 hour later*
I lean back in my chair and sigh. "I'm done with work." I stand up from my desk and realize something.
It's quiet... Too quiet. I can usually hear Teddy talking or his toys making noise.
"Teddy?" I ask waking up the stairs.
"Hawy!" Teddy yells. He sounds scared.
I grab my wand and sprint up the stairs.
I walk into his room, wand drawn. I see someone wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood pulled over his head. His wand pressed to Teddy's throat.
"What do you want?" I ask.
He doesn't respond.
"Let him go," I say.
"You took something from me that I care about, why shouldn't I do the same to you?"
"Hawy..." Teddy says.
"It's okay, Teddy. What did I take from you, exactly?"
"You took away my potential to me something great."
"And how did I do that?" I ask.
"You killed my master, I could've been his right-hand man."
"Who are you?"
"No one knows who I am. And no one ever will."
"Let him go." I say.
The hooded figure lets go of Teddy and apperates out.
Teddy runs over to me, I pick him up and he sobs into my shoulder.
"Shhh... Teddy. You're okay... Shh..."
I walk down the stairs and yell, "Kreacher!"
"Yes, master Harry?"
"Go to Hermione and Ron's tell them to come here. It's urgent."
"Yessir," he says. POP!
I rock Teddy back and forth, trying to calm him. "You're okay, you're okay."
Ron and Hermione appear in front of me. "Mate, what's wrong?" He asks.
"Someone got into the house and almost killed Teddy."
"I'll put up some wards." Hermione says walking out of the house.
Ron's eyes widen, "my sister, mate."
"Kreacher, tell Ginny what happened but don't tell her to come home." POP!
"Harry," Ron says. "She might not be safe."
"They have guards with them at all times, Ron. She's safer there then with me. I'm the one putting all of you in danger." I say sitting down.
"Harry you know that's not true." Ron says.
"No, Ron I know it's true. He could come after you, Hermione, your family, out friends... Anyone."
Teddy sobs into my shoulder again. His hair is white with fear.
"Shh..." I say rocking him back and forth.
Ginny POV:
Pop! I jump and turn around, "Kreacher, what are you doing here?"
"Master Harry has sent Kreacher here with news. Someone has gotten into the Potter residence and threatened many lives."
"What?! Is Harry okay? Is Teddy?!"
"Gin, you okay- what's that?" One of my teammates asks coming into my room.
"Harry, Teddy..." I say.
"Ginny," Penny says. "Breathe. Tell me what happened."
"I don't know... I have to get home. Tell Kathryn"-my coach-"I'm sorry. But family comes first. Kreacher, take me home."
"Maser Harry told Kreacher to tell you to not come home."
"Kreacher, take me home now." I demand. He grabs my hand.
"Ginny, stay safe." Penny says.
I hear sobbing from the sitting room. "Harry!" I exclaim running into the room. "Harry!"
"Ginny?" He asks standing.
I throw my arms around his torso, then pull back. "Don't you ever scare me like that again! What happened?"
"Here," he says handing me Teddy. "He's been asking for you."
"Teddy?" I says.
"Ginny," he hugs me tighter.
"I'm here baby, I'm here." I say rubbing his back. "Harry, what happened?"
"I'll tell you when we finally get him to sleep." He says.
"I am my mother's daughter, Harry. Hopefully I'm just as good as her. Can you get me one of his old pacifiers and Moony?" He nods. "And the baby blanket that smells like Tonks' perfume. And his pajamas!" I exclaim walking to our bedroom.
Harry comes back with everything I asked for.
I change Teddy into his pajamas and I give him a pacifier to suck on. I pick him up and give him the blanket and stuffed animal.
I rock him back and forth. He isn't crying, anymore, but he won't go to sleep.
"Teddy Bear," I say. "Please go to sleep. You can sleep in the bed with us but you need to sleep."
I he rests his head on my shoulder I rest my head lightly on his. I start to hum quietly and soon his breathing is even.
I try to lay him on the bed but he starts to wake. I sigh and walk down the stairs.
"Harry, I-" I stop when I see him talking to, what looks like a bunch of aurors. "What's going on?" I ask.
"Mrs. Potter-"
"Ginny." I correct.
"Mrs. Potter, you understand what happened today was very concerning to the Ministry?" One says.
"I don't know exactly what happened just that it's scarring Teddy." I say.
"You haven't told her yet?"
"It was hard to do when we had a screaming, terrified baby," Harry defends. "Gin, it's been a long, long day I'll meet you upstairs in a few minutes."
I nod and start to walk back up, I stop and turn around, "I'm assuming at least one of you will be here all night?" Some nod. "Very well then, if one of you wake Teddy in the middle of the night-unless it's an emergency-you will deal with me in the morning."
Good? Bad?
Tell me what you think!!
Keep calm and fangirl on!!
P.s. All of you people wanting Ginny to have James are going to have to wait! Ginny doesn't have James until Teddy is 6 or 7.
Thanks for reading!

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat