Chapter Two

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My eyes fluttered open as a loud noise interrupted my sleep. I groaned and rolled over to the other side of my bed while trying to bury my head under my pillow to ignore the noise.

Totally a mistake because it got louder.

I stretched my arm and finally got hold of my phone.


Judging by the voice of the artist, I already knew who the culprit was.

With a frown on my face, I marched to Sophie's room with my pillow in hand ready to attack her unless she begged.

The closer I got to her room; the louder the song got and so did my anger.

To my surprise her door was left wide open and there my older sister was. Standing on top of her bed with an imaginary microphone in her hand which in this case is a hairbrush.

Seeing her like this, one would think I was the older one and definitely not her.

I march into Sophie's room and stood behind her, "Isn't it too early for this madness?" I made my displeasure to be awake this time visible.

"Nope!" She answered without bothering to turn around to look at me.

Oh yeah?

I took my pillow and smacked her legs with it causing her to lose her balance and crashed on her bed.

She turned to me and gave me a nasty glare but I only stuck out my tongue.

"You're such a bitch!" She complained. "I'm helping you learn to wake up early! Summer's over and it's time for you to return to school. You know you always wake up late."

She's right. As much as I try to get up early, it just never works.

"Don't remind me." I couldn't help but let a scowl make its way to my face. "I have to see that witch Christina once more, I'm just glad it's senior year. I really can't wait to graduate." I sighed.

"Well you wouldn't have a problem with her if you just change up your look a little." Sophie commented and I rolled my eyes.

"Lexi, I'm being serious! Popular girls only pick on people they perceive as weak." She lectured.

"Oh yeah? Is that what you did?" I narrowed my eyes at her and she couldn't respond. "Exactly, so I don't want to hear it." I waved my hand In the air before turning to leave. " I'm going to make breakfast since mom hasn't arrived yet, her shift ends by 9."

"Okay dear sister," She walked over to me. "I want to eat pancakes." She pouted.

Sibling manipulation! She knew I was going to make plain toast and jam but now that she mentioned pancakes, I have to make them.

"Go take a shower, you've got drool all over your face." Sophie's squeezed her mouth.

After I finished taking a shower, I decided to put on black midi skirt and a yellow cropped top. Yes I dress nerdy at home too because I just feel comfortable and it's just me.

As I tried to prepare out breakfast, I realized that we were ran out of pancake mix so I had to make the pancakes from scratch and the doorbell went off.

I hurried to unlock the door and there my mom stood on the other side with a stressed face.

"Hey sweetie." Mom greeted as she walked in. "I left my house key at the store by accident." She apologized.

My mom is the seeetest soul in the planet; she even apologizes for the most random things.

"There's no need to apologize. How's the store? I made pancakes." I linked my arm with hers and led her to the sofa so she could sit.

"We are still a little bit short on staff but George said he'd be able to handle it." She reassured me. "Here." She handed me a brown bag and based on how it felt through the bag, I knew what it was.

"Sophie! Mom's home." I yelled at the stairs but no response. "She brought doughnuts!" I yelled again and as expected Sophie sprinted down the stairs.

"Be careful hon." My mom cautioned Sophie.

"Hey mom." She smiled at her before turning to me with laser eyes.

"Soph; that's for you and your sister so don't monopolize it." Mom warned.

I hid the bag behind me; "We'll have donuts after breakfast." I conditioned her.

"Who said I can't have both?" She replied.

"Girls since today is the last day of summer vacation, I think we should drop by the mall. It's been awhile since you both went shopping." My mom offered and Sophie squealed out of excitement.

"I don't want to go." I deadpanned. Sophie's expression went from excited to ready-to-fight you in one millisecond.

"Why not? You never go with me and that's exactly why you don't own anything nice!" She hissed at me while maintaining her glare.

I frowned. "Why are you so bothered about me not going? You can knock yourself out!" I spat back.

"That's enough girls!"

"Whatever I don't care." She rolled her eyes then grabbed the donut bag before storming off.

After I had breakfast, I went straight to my bed.

Is there really something wrong with me? Why am I not interested in doing the things people my age are crazy for?

When I saw my mom and Sophie leave, I went to the living room and played Parent Trap. My comfort movie.

An hour later, Sophie and my mom returned with so many bags that you could barely see their hands.

Where did mom get this much money to spend?

"So I found nice thrift clothes and I got that for you." She pointed at the two bags I coincidentally carried.

A smile made its way to my lips. Sophie can't even stay mad at me.

"Thank you Soph!" I appreciated. "But what did you get for me"? I curiously asked but she chose to ignore my question.

I hurry to my room where I emptied the contents of both bags. More cropped tops!



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