Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kyle's POV;

Alexis looked great when she came out of the dressing room,but i couldn't just bring myself to tell her.

Usually girks are the ones that feel shy but today i felt shy kind of

The play went well only that Alexis mixed up the lines but i went with the flow because it was obvious that she was nervous and i saw her get tense when a girl and a girl came in

Her crush perhaps?

I want to ask her that badly but that would be awkward wouldn't it?

I finally asked her out,and i felt somewhat nervous and it was new to me and i know i noticed the nerd because of that bet i had with Ash and Brian but now i think it was getting personal

I went home and i told the new help to make a lemonade and bring it to my room and before i went into the shower i heard a knock on the door and i opened it and i took the tray from her hand and dropped it on my dresser and went to the bathroom for a quick shower and wore a black leather jacket and a white shirt with black jeans

I drank the lemonade and left the empty glass on the dresser and left the house to the cafe to wait for Alexis and when i got there i sat in the car and waited,she texted me that she was done and i told her to come to cafe and i'd get her from there and that I'd be there in five minutes

I couldn't tell her that i was there already because that would be weird

I studied the entrance and i didn't see Alexis enter the cafe just one sexy brunette and then u was surprised when she told me she was there already

I entered the case and examined everyone there but no sign of her,i texted her and decided to ask that woman that is always at the counter,but she was talking to that brunette from earlier and as j got closer,the girl looked a little bit like Alexis only sexier and prettier and i couldn't help but stare

I think she noticed and stared right back at me and i felt embarrassed and apologized to her,the woman at the counter laughed at us and left

I was going to call Alexis outside but i heard a feminine voice from behind,that sweet voice that only Alexis had,i turned around and stared in disbelief

But that girl.....couldn't be Alexis...right?


I walked to her closet and her lavender scent hit my nose hard and i knew for sure that she was the one and i just kept on staring

I looked at her from her black brown hair to how big her breasts were looking and how thin looking her legs were

um..what do i i say she's hot or pretty

You see this was my head malfunctioning i could only imagine what my face look like.

She broke the silence later after all the awkwardness by saying "shall We?"

"let's" i reply almost instantly

I took her by the hand we left the cafe,i drove us to cold stone ice cream parlor because their ice cream was so good

We entered the almost empty parlor and we ordered what we wanted and we talked the whole time away,she told me about her mom and her sister and her dad that died and how everything was after losing their father,i enjoyed hearing her talk.

She wasn't like most girls that always talk about makeup and boyfriends but instead told me her likes and dislikes and happy moments

I loved how her face lit up when she talked about her family,it was evident that she loved them very much

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