Chapter Twenty

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"Wake up sleepyhead!" I heard a voice and turned the opposite direction.

"You're late!" The voice yelled again but I still didn't care because I wanted to sleep.

"I'm already late so what's the use?" I murmured into my pillow.

"Jazz can't make it today because dad dropped her off, so you have to go to the bus stop right now." My eyes shot open as I realized what she meant.

I rushed everything and upon reaching the bus stop, I saw the school bus drive off.

"No, wait wait!" I waved my hands frantically in the air as I ran after it but it didn't help.

What a great way to start my day.

I walked from the bus stop to half the road and I was already exhausted.

Maybe Jazz was right and I do need to get in shape. Just as I started walking again, I noticed a black SUV slowly moving towards me.

As I noticed it, I moved up my speed and so did the car. I suddenly felt my adrenaline rush and I began to jog as fast as I could but I heard the car honk.

"Alexis!" A deep masculine voice called and I turned around where I saw Kyle sticking out his head from the window.

I wonder why I always have to embarrass myself in front of him.

He drove over to me, "How come you're walking today? I don't think I've seen you in the road before." He asked.

"I missed the bus but I have to get to school one way or the other right?"

"Then let's go together, I was on my way there anyway."

No way, Kyle wants us both to go to school together?

I smiled as I got into the car, the white interior screamed luxury. The glasses were tinted and he had a driver who was on uniform.

"Good morning Miss." He greeted, his eyes not leaving the road for even a second.

"Good morning." I replied.

In about 15 minutes we were already at school. As soon as we stepped out of the car, I could feel everyone's gaze on us.

Walking into the hallway and everyone couldn't stop whispering, with Kyle's unbothered face, I could tell he's already used to this.

"I thought she was a bookworm, why's she seducing Kyle?"

"Who is she? Is she?"

I shook it all off and went on with my day. At lunch, Ashton sat with us and was all over Jasmine who didn't seem too interested.

Just as I went to the bathroom to wash my face  Christina came in accompanied by Caitlin and Charlotte, I knew this meant trouble.

"You little bitch." Christina spat.

"What were you doing with Kyle?" Caitlin added.

"Do you think you can take him from Christy?" Charlotte completed.

"Um...would you guys excuse me, I need to leave." I muttered as I walked towards the door but i stopped when they blocked the door and locked it.

"What do you guys want?" I raised my voice.

"I want you to leave my boyfriend alone."

"I want you to leave Greenfield High."

"I want you to crawl into a hole and die."

The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now