Chapter Thirty-One

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Kyle's POV

As I laid on my bed, I opened my phone and a photo of her popped up. There she was eating her ice cream with so much satisfaction on her face.

How could a person be so cute?

What have I done? I ruined everything.

"Kyle!" My mom yelled from downstairs and I immediately press the home button on my phone and placed it down.

I didn't bother answering her because if it was important she'd call me twice and I don't hear a second-

"Carter! Get yourself downstairs right now!" She commanded.

Middle name, that's trouble.

I don't recall doing anything wrong so what happened now?

With a sigh, I sluggishly got up from my bed and strolled downstairs. I found both her and Emily standing beside the door with a weird smile plastered on both their faces.

Must be dad's associates again.

"What took you so long? I've been calling you for ages." She glared at me when she saw me approaching them.

By ages, she means twice in the span of a minute.

"I didn't hear you, what's up?"

"The senator is coming over to visit today and he's bringing his daughter. She's around your age and I hear she's a sweetheart." She filled me in.

"And if things go the way our parents expect, she's going to be my future sister-in-law." Emily gushed.

"Erase that idea." I shot down quickly.

Might keep her around for a while, until I get tired of her.

"Jokes on you cause I'm never getting married."

"Both of you keep quiet, they are approaching the door!"

"Good afternoon Mrs Matthews and little Matthews." Mr Stewart greeted while his daughter hid behind him.

"Hi," A girl with dark hair greeted with a toothy grin.

"Hi." Emily waved back at her.

Lunch was quiet the only things we could hear were the sound of our utensils.

In between the lunch, I noticed Penelope stealing glances at me; not that I mind but it was getting obvious.

"Can you stop?" I eyed her directly and she lowered her gaze. "Thank you." I faked a smile.

"What was that? I told you to be well behaved and no shenanigans, remember?"

My phone buzzed and I check to see Ash FaceTiming me.

"Excuse me, I need to leave."

"Sit back down, young man." My father ordered.

"It's alright, just take Penelope with you. I think she's getting bored as well." Mr Stewart suggested and she looked at me with round eyes.

"Do you want to come along with me to my friend house; who you know absolutely nothing about?" I asked and she nodded.

How cheap can she can?

"Splendid!" Her father smiled.

She walked over to me with her head lowered until we got outside and she looked up at me with her big hazel eyes.

For a shy girl she looks like someone that could get wild.

"I have no interest in getting to know you better." I warned, breaking the silence as we drove.


"You're trying to flirt and I'm not interested."

"What?" She chuckled. "No, I'm actually just shy and I hsve difficulties making friends. My dad told me you were my age but I didn't know how to strike a conversation." She confessed and I immediately felt embarrassed.

"Your way of getting me to talk to you was staring at me?" I joked.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to do." She replied.

She's actually not bad.

Penelope was cool, she sang to the songs that came on.

We got to Ash's house and went straight into the game room knowing that he'd probably be there and he was. He was there with Brian.

I entered the peach colored room and found both playing WWE 2k19 but paused it when Ash spotted me.

"He's here." Ash announced to him.

"Kyle!" Brian yelled as he walked to me and stopped seeing Penelope behind me. "And pretty girl I don't know." His eyes lingered on her.

"Penny. Penelope." She introduced.

"Hey Penelope." Brian smiled while Ash raised a brow to acknowledge her and she smiled in return.

"Have a seat, Penny." Brian showed her to a beanbag.

"Very fancy." I sarcastically commented.

"So Kyle, we have a surprise for you."

"Hit me."

"What do you need the record-"

Alexis paused as she entered the room and saw me standing there.

"You're here?" I muttered.

" I'm not here for you." She hissed and walked past me to where Ash was seated.

What's going on here?

"They told me to come over and help with school work but I see that it was clearly a lie and did all this just so I would come here." She crossed her arms with a scowl on her face:

"Yes, I did this but we want to apologize for hurting you with that bet. Kyle really likes you and we loved seeing him be emotionally invested in someone." Ash preached but she didn't look moved.

"You think this is going to be enough to make me forget about the humiliation? All for a stupid bet? You're all crazy." She grabbed her purse and made eye contact with Penelope. "She wasn't here before." She paused.

"I came with Ky-"

"Oh, that'll do it." She interrupted Penelope and I just knew she thought it was something else and left the room.

"I'm sorry, was that an ex?"

"Long story." Brian turned to her.

"I'm sorry if I made her upset, I didn't know."

"It's not your fault."

"Thank you for inviting me over but I'm going to head home. Penelope, let's go." I frowned and took Penelope.

The drive to my house was quiet and I dropped her off before zooming off to nowhere in particular.

I drove past the beach and from far it looked almost empty so I parked car and made my way inside.

I took off my shoes to feel the sand and as the waves kept coming; I felt bat ease.

Do I really really like Alexis?

As I strolled down the beach, a petite figure came into view. I walked over to the figure and I saw her.


The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now