Chapter Thirty-Five

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Alexis POV

"Alexis." He called me and walked to me. "Everyone's ready to leave let's all go together." He pointed to Jasmine and Ash and Brian and Andy.

I didn't realize when I raised my hand and slapped him across the face. He was surprised by the action and so was everyone else because they all rushed to us.

"What tha hell Al-" Jasmine tried to say but my hand connecting to her face shut her up.

"Yo Alexis, What's going on here?" Ashton asked me as he tried to comfort Jasmine who still had her hand pressed to her cheek.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend, let's see if she at least has the courage to tell you." I snapped at him.

"Babe, what's going on?" Ashton held Jasmine whose eyes were already welled up.

Judging by both the horrific expressions they had, it was safe to conclude that they had already figured out why I was upset.

"Lexi let me explain," Kyle tried to hold me but I pushed him off.

"Get your disgusting hands off me!." I yelled at him.

"I can-"

"Explain?" I interrupted with a scoff. "Second time Kyle! The second fucking time you have embarrassed me in public!" My eyes welled up as I took a step away from him.

"If yoI co-"

"I trusted you! I trusted her!" I pointed at Jasmine who just stood in the corner crying. "I-I thought finally senior year was going so well! How could you do this to me Kyle?" I sniffled. "No, how could you both do this to me?" I turned to face her.

"I'm s-"

"Save it." I gave a dismissive wave. "This," I gestured to him and me. "Was bound to fail right from the start. Did you even like me? No, don't bother answering that. We're done." I wiped away my tears.

I glared at Jasmine before walking away to call a taxi. After I got into the taxi, I noticed everyone staring at me like I was crazy.

"I'm not crazy, they are both monsters. I hope you have fun together." I faked a smile before the taxi drove off.


Kyle's POV;

After I had that talk with Jasmine, I realized I really needed to tell Lexi everything. Including the Jasmine bits.

I will tell her tonight, at least then I would be able to get rid of this guilty feeling I have.

I went to the bathroom where I left her and knocked but no one answered, I peeked inside and nobody was there.

Maybe she went downstairs.

Just as I was going down, I caught Ash who was about to go upstairs for something.

"Hey, have you seen Alexis? I can't find her." I asked.

"No, I just want to get some toilet paper for Jazz." He explained as he walked away.

With a sigh, I decided to scan the room once more and I caught a glimpse of her taking her purse and leaving the party.

Did something happen to her mother again? Or is she just exhausted?

"Brian, tell Ash that I'm going to leave right now."

"No need bro," Ash came down with a bit of toilet paper. "We can all just leave. Jazz messed up her outfit anyway." He handed it over to her.

"Great. Alexis is already outside so just meet us up there." I informed them before hurrying out.

I jogged out of the party and thankfully, she hadn't gone far, she was standing at the porch.

"Alexis!" I called and she turned to face me while I jogged towards her.

She looked up at me with teary eyes and she looked really disturbed.

Maybe it was because of what happened to her mom.

"Alexis, come with us babe," I said in a pleading voice. "Everyone is ready to leave anyway." I smiled at her but she didn't react.

I was about to hold her but her palm connected my cheek and stopped me. She had this fire in her eyes and something could tell me she found out everything.

Ash, Brian and Jasmine all walked over when they saw her slap me and I'm sure the shocking thing wasn't that she slapped me but that I stayed quiet afterwards.

"What the hell Al-" Jasmine trued to interfere but she slapped her too. does she manage to still look so cute even when she's pissed?

"Yo Alexis, what's going on here? Explain." He demanded.

She glanced over at me then at Jasmine before facing him.

But how did she find out?

"L-let me explain-" I stuttered to say but her piercing cold glare stopped me and she pushed my hand off her.

"Get your disgusting hands off me, Kyle." She yelled, drawing the attention of the drunk people outside.

Watching her get so mad made my heart sink. I was going to tell her, I swear! I didn't want her to find out like this.

She walked away and I couldn't move towards her because I felt both ashamed and humiliated and I didn't want to see her more upset.

Maybe it's best if I just let her fool down a bit.

"Dude what the hell? You were sleeping with my girl?" Ashton pushed me.

"I can-"

Before I could get a word in, Ashton swung his hand my way and the next thing I felt was a stinging pain in my jaw.

I held my jaw as I took off in my car and drove home. I don't want to see anybody, not even Emily. As soon as I arrived home, I went straight into my room and I locked the door.

Before plopping down on my bed, I took a shower to help ease the bruise on my now red and swollen jaw.

I brought out my phone and stared at a picture of Alexis which I had only just recently taken with her as the images of what happened tonight flashed in my mind.

How did things go straight to hell?


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