Chapter Eight

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After the incident with Christina, I decided to study so I can take my mind off everything. Plus I have a test coming up.

People can be stupid but books definitely cannot.

Good one Alexis.

My phone which was placed on the table came alive with a photo of Jasmine and I immediately answered.

Jazz: hey baby girl!

Me: what's good?

Jazz: do you wanna go out tonight?

Me: no...can't I have a huge test tomorrow which I need to read for. Wait a minute, we're in the same class, why aren't you studying?

Jazz: girl, it's senior year, I'm not letting some test hold me down! Lexi, can we just go out tonight? It's been so long!

Me: I'm sorry but no, maybe some other time.

Jazz: boo! Don't call me again!

She disconnected the call. Imagine her audacity!

As I mumbled under my breath, a shadow fell upon my table and I traced it up to Sophie.

"Got a test?" She asked and I nodded.

"I got you a milkshake, I noticed you didn't eat anything after coming back from school." She informed me as she dropped a medium sized vanilla milkshake for me.

"Thank you Soph." I smiled.

"Anytime love."

My mom came by the cafe later during the day and suggested we close up.

"Let's go sweetie," My mom called out when she was closing up the cafe. I grabbed my bag and my books and ran towards her.

When we got home Sophie was already in bed so I just drank some milk and went straight to bed. My mom stayed in the kitchen doing the numbers.

Rriinngg rriinngg!

"Ugh its morning again!" I complained while removing hair from my mouth.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and got dressed.

"It's time for breakfast, get down here Alexis!" Sophie called, well mostly shouted but then again it's Sophie.

"I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled back.

Today Sophie was going to a college interview and she was pretty much excited.

I went down and had a quick breakfast before going out to wait for Jazz. After waiting for a bit, her Honda Civic came into view.

"Hey girl." Jazz greeted as she parked in front of me.

"How are you?" I replied as I got into the car.

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm alright. So how was the party?" I questioned.

"It was sick as hell girl, you missed a lot."

" Oh yeah? Well I hope you made up time to study for the test."

"Yes I did, smarty pants." She rolled her eyes and kept on driving.

Jazz turned up the volume of the sound system as she drove but as I listened closer, it was a familiar song; Levitating.

We both sang along loudly until we got to school. When we got to school, we were joined by Andy in the hallway.

"Someone's in a good mood today, is it  because of the test?" I asked Andy as he came onto us with a grin.

Andy and I have always been the type to get excited over tests and mid terms maybe because we were always prepared unlike some people who would constantly let themselves get distracted in class.

"I really am excited about the test, I had to go to summer school just so I could feel useful during the summer and it paid off."

"Omg really what school did you attend?"

"It was an academy kinda close to my house but it helped."

"That's so smart, why didn't I think about an academy?"

"Because, you're not as intelligent as I am."

"Ugh, how did I end up having you both as friends?" Jazz groaned in frustration.

Andy and I laughed as we all walked to class together and took our seats but I kept on turning back to see if Kyle would make it on time.

"I don't see Mr popular here," Andy snorted.

"Yeah, that's true." Jasmine added.

"Do you think he knows about the test?"

"Even if he didn't, he'd still pass. I heard his dad does a lot of donations for the school.

Suddenly the door burst open and Kyle walked in with a smug face. The smell of his cologne hit me as he walked past me to the back.

"Are you alright?"Andy asked me with a concerned look as I tried to take it all in.

The test wasn't difficult at all! I finished writing just fifteen minutes after the paper was shared.

After the test had finished, Andy and I went straight to lunch and waited for Jazz to catch up with us since she was still writing hers.

"Hey guys!" Jazz greeted.

"Hi!" Andy and I both said in a unison, causing us to look at each other and burst into laughter.

"Wow you know you guys would really make a nice couple. Nerd alert." Jazz teased with a chuckle.

"Come on Jazz, you know Andy and I are practically like siblings!" I replied Jazz and linked my arm with his. "Maybe that's why we're both smart." I added.

"You okay?" I asked Andy whose mood had instantly changed.

"So..." Jazz said trying to lighten the mood.

She was the one who ruined the mood anyway.

"How was the test?" She changed the subject.

"Well it was quite easy. I finished before Andy." I boasted.

"With only three minutes." He corrected but I didn't care.

"You should have done better." I playfully stuck out my tongue.

After school was over, Jasmine offered to drop us all at our houses. As we were about to leave, a familiar blonde guy was making out with a girl in front of his car at the parking lot.

Is this a school or a hookup spot?

"So do you like want to come over tonight?" I asked Jazz and she nodded.

" Hey! What about me?" Andy yelled from behind and we both laughed.

"It's a girls thing! Go get guy friends!" Jasmine yelled back as a reply.

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