Chapter Ten

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Alexis's POV;

"Get up sleepyhead!" Jazz screamed as she hit me with a pillow.

"No, not now, it's a weekend the only time I get to sleep in." I groaned into my pillow Ana's didn't bother opening my eyes.

"Get up or else..." She warned.

"Or else what? Just let me sleep Jazz!" I complained and turned to the other side.

It became silent again and I relaxed. Seems like she finally gave up and went downstairs.

Just as I began to feel comfortable on my bed again, my eyes widened out of shock when I felt something cold touch my leg.

I frowned when I saw Jazz standing beside me with a bowl of water, she poured water on my leg like I wasn't already cold enough.

"Why'd you do that?" I yelled at her.

"I did tell you to get up didn't I?" She defended.

"Fine, I'm up. Now could you please explain why you made me get up at," I turned to look at the clock on my side stool.


My eyes glowed with anger, "Why the hell am I up at 6am in the freaking morning on a Saturday?" I thundered but Jazz just looked unbothered.

"We have to jog, let's go." She ordered.

"Jog? You know I don't do that." I crossed my arm on my chest. "You jog by yourself whenever you visit so why's today different?" I asked.

"You're adding a few in your stomach region." She pointed out and I gasped.

I placed my arm around my stomach, suddenly feeling conscious of it.

"I'm joking." She brushed it off. "Plus, I don't want to be alone today so do this for me?" She begged.

"Ughh...fine!" I finally gave in. "You know, I hate the fact that I can't say no to you plus I can't go back to sleep now thanks to someone." I got up from my bed and arranged it a bit.

"I love you so much!" She squealed as she squeezed me in a hug.

"But wait I don't have anything to wear to go jogging." I realized as I went through my closet of trousers and turtlenecks.

"No worries you can wear one of mine and I'll take it back when you want." She announced. "Let me just look for a perfect one for you." She added before rummaging through her stuff.

"Here!" She handed me two pieces of clothing.

As I took them from her, my eyes examined the grey tank top and pink leggings causing me to cringe.

I changed into them and my body looked really weird in it. I haven't showed this much skin in the longest.

"I feel so exposed." I put my arm around my tummy.

"Oh please its 6am no one's awake." She replied as she came to stand behind me. "Your tummy is fine, I'm sorry if my comment earlier made you feel self conscious. I only said that to get you out of bed." She apologized.

I smiled. "It's alright, honestly and that's also true because if not for someone," I glanced at Jasmine who gave a coy smile. "I wouldn't be awake either." I squinted my eyes.

After getting ready we left the house and started jogging.

"So how far are we going?" I asked.

"Well not too far away. I know how lazy you can be." Jazz commented.

"Do you want me to go back? Because the house isn't far away. I can just go back." I paused.

"Ugh!" She groaned out of frustration. "You're so petty! Let's go!" She chuckled.

As we continued jogging we passed a couple of guys who were staring at us. Well mostly Jazz but it was still kinda weird nobody looks at me.

"Nice body, pink!" One of the guys catcalled and it made me cringe and body conscious.

Why would they talk about my body? Do I look weird?

"You're making her uncomfortable, shut up idiot!" Jazz yelled back.

"You said not far away but we've been jogging for about fifteen minutes! I'm loosing my breath." I complained.

"The park up ahead. We can take a break there." She pointed to a park which wasn't too far.

"Do you do this every time you come over and go out jogging?" I questioned.

"Yep. I jog much further when I'm at home, how do you think this body stays this sexy?"

We stopped by at a bench at the park and we see someone with a hood covering sitting at a bench beside us and the person was holding a dog leash.

When the dog's eyes met mine he or she ran towards me waggled its tail at me causing me to laugh.

"I'm sorry ." The owner with the hood apologized as she ran over.

"You?" I gasped when my eyes met Caitlin, one of Christina's minions.

"Is that you nerd? I wouldn't have apologized if I knew it was you."  She rolled her eyes.

"You're so full of yourself." Jasmine interrupted.

"Whatever. Come on Sunny." She pulled the leash and the dog followed her.

"Maybe Sunny doesn't like her." Jasmine joked and I chuckled.

"Let's go." I pulled her arm and we went back.

When we got back home I was so exhausted that I just fell on my couch and noticed a note by sophie on the table it said;

If you are reading this girls I went to the cafe to take my shift and I know you Alexis would be too lazy to prepare breakfast for our guest so i prepared bacon and eggs for you two


When we were done with breakfast we took a shower and settled on the couch to watch TV Home to be exact ; an animated movie.

Not sure Jasmine liked it very much because she dozed off mid way.

When she woke up, she decided it was time to leave and so I walked her outside.

"How come you didn't bring your car?" I asked as we stood outside waiting for a taxi.

"No reason. I just didn't feel like it." She answered. "Bye!" She waved as her taxi came in.

"Bye." I waved back with a smile and watched her leave.


The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now