Chapter Fifteen

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Kyle's POV;

After talking to Alexis, I celebrated before heading out to tell the guys about it and to prove to them that my skills aren't rusty at all.

"Hey dudes." I greeted both my buddies, Ashton Cole the quarterback of the football team and Brian Singer who is a player on the team.

"How'd it go?" Ash asked not taking his eyes off the game he was playing with Brian.

"Very well, the play is just the beginning-" I stopped mid sentence when I felt my phone buzzed and it was a message from Emily, my little sister.

Buy me something sweet on your way back :)

"Was that Emily?" Brian eyes sparked interest.

"Dude...she's 16, knock it off." I glared at him and he sighed.

"Relax dude, I was only asking." He raised his hands in surrender.



"It's not my fault you got distracted." Ashton smirked feeling victorious that he won Brian on the video game.

"It was Kyle's fault. Let's go again." Brian complained.

"Sure." Ash agreed. "The nerd thing, how's it going?" He asked.

"Good, we even have a date today." I explained and we all burst into a fit of laughter because I used the word date.

"Kyle Matthews has a date with the virgin nerd." Brian mocked.

"How would you be able to stand her though? I heard she smells like piss and she probably has nothing interesting to talk about except v maths and science and that's your dreaded courses." Ash added.

She didn't smell like piss though.

"I told you guys that even nerds would fall for me." I said with pride.

"Amazing Kyle!" Ash clapped his hands for me as a call came into my phone.

I turned the phone to both of them so they could see who was calling.

"Christina? Bro, that bitch has been obsessed with you since freshman year! Better take that." He advised and I nodded.

I really can't stand her but she's kinda really good in bed so I have to put up with her. I've heard rumors that she goes around telling people we're dating when she knows for a fact that we're just hooking up.

"Dude, are you gonna answer that it's been ringing awhile?" Ash said stopping me from finishing my thoughts.

"Nah, I'm good."

"You don't treat women that way dude!" He warned.

"But it's not women, it's Christina." I corrected.

"You do know half of school thinks you both are dating right?"

"That's on them, I never confirmed or denied any shit."

"That's crazy. I'll be off now." He got up and left.

"I'm going to leave as well. I need to buy Emily a bowl of ice cream." I sighed as I glanced at the clock.

"Heartbreak?" He raised his brow.

"I doubt, Emily breaks hearts; hers doesn't get broken." I corrected.

"True." He nodded. "Don't keep her waiting." He urged and I left.

I didn't realize how late it had gotten until I stepped outside Brian's house. I went to the ice cream parlor and got Emily's favorite before driving to my house.

As I pulled into the garage of my house, I looked up at the white painted semi detached duplex.

"You can't go in through this door, use the kitchen entrance." John, my dad's secretary and Emily and mine self acclaimed uncle stopped me as I walked in.

"Uncle!" I excitedly called and his straight lips turn to a smile.

"It's been three months, Carter. You look well." He replied and I smiled.

"Don't call me Carter! It sounds so old." I placed my index finger on my lips.

"Let's go in." He grabbed my backpack.

"Wait... I thought you said I shouldn't use this door? Does dad have some important people in the living room?" I asked as I tried to peak.

"I was joking with you." He chuckled and placed his hand on my shoulder. "You should go say hi to your dad." John suggested.

"I will, just need to give Em her ice cream first before it melts." I lifted the paper bag into the air as I walked up the stairs but the sound of a throat being cleared stopped me.

"Stop slouching, young man!" He ordered and I took my stance before walking towards him.

"Dad!" I pretended to sound excited.

"Why are you just getting home? It's so late! How would you run a business like this? You're not acting responsible. Your mom is spoiling you." He warned in a harsh tone.

"I'm usually home before this dad, it's just a one time thing."

"Go to your room and study for this year's exam because when I your age, I was already handling shares in the company but you're still so immature."

"It's just started dad and besides I haven't even had dinner yet."

"You talk like you don't know the time we usually have dinner, since you missed it you can go bed hungry." He thundered.

"Whatever." I spat before walking out on him.

"Come back here!"

I always end up arguing whenever he comes over and he always compares me to himself.

I huffed your Emily's room and took a deep breath before knocking on her door so she doesn't see me looking too mad.

"Hey!" She greeted with a grin.

"Hi Em." I replied and leans in to hug me.

"Your face says it all, You've met dad haven't you?" She looked up at me and I nodded.

She sighed and walked over to the edge of her bed where she sat and tapped on the spot next to her.

"Why does he always feel the need to compare me to him?" I complained to Emily after placing her ice cream on the floor but she instead put her hand on my shoulder.

"He's just agitated because of work and in his own way, he's trying to groom you into the future CEO of the company." She preached and I rolled my eyes.

"He criticizes everything I do. How I eat, stand, walk now even when I eat." I grumbled.

"You're exaggerating."

"Easy for you to say, he adores you!" I retorted before storming out of the room.

"Kyle!" She tries to call out to me but I didn't respond.

I barged into my room and just rested on my bed but my phone kept chiming.

Who's bothering me so much?

I opened the message from an unknown number with a weird cryptic text.

Maybe it wasn't really cryptic, maybe I was just so mad that the message didn't make sense.

I fell asleep on my phone and went to school the next day feeling refreshed.

During lunch, I noticed Alexis and that her weird male friend walk past and she didn't even spare a glance at me; which was weird.

"Your little nerd looks mad at you? Did you do something at your date yesterday?" Brian asked me and that's when it dawned on me.


Oh fuck...

I took out my phone and brought out the message again;

Here's the address.

Do you need help getting there?


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