Chapter Three

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My phone.

My eyes stayed sealed while I ran my hand through my rough bedding to look for my phone.

"Hello?" I answered without even looking at the caller ID.

"Alexis Coleman!" A feminine voice screamed. "You sound like you're still in bed, please tell me you're not still in bed." She warned.

My eyes widened with shock and I sat up on my bed. "Bed?" I asked. "No! I've been up for a while." I lied.

"Good cause I'm on my way. I'll be at your house to pick you up in ten." She informed me before hanging up.

I let out a sigh before turning to my bedside cupboard and saw 7:30am boldly written on it.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

This alarm clock doesn't work! Why didn't it wake me up?!

I scurried out of my bed and hurried to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and took my bath; just as I turned the shower head, I was sprayed with cold water.

"Could this day get any worse?" I groaned.

I  managed through through the freezing water and rushed out in a bathrobe.

After drying up, I rummaged through my closet of a yellow turtleneck and  brown baggy trousers.

It's the first day of senior year, I need to make a statement.

I  comb my hair before tying it upwards into a ponytail after which I rushed downstairs to get some bread from the kitchen but I rather found Sophie in the kitchen making breakfast.

"You didn't wake me up!" I complained as I grabbed a piece of toast from the plate.

"You have an alarm clock and a phone for a reason. Besides I know Jazz wouldn't let you be late." She defended herself.

"Whatever!" I downed the toast and drank water before hurrying out of my house.

Just as I walked into the street I noticed Jazz Honda civic slowing down as she approached my house.

"Hey!" I greeted as I got into the front seat but she didn't answer.

A rather weird habit Jazz has is applying her lipstick when she's parked in front of my house. She lowered the drivers mirror and took her time applying the lipstick.

"Do you really have to do this in front of me everyday?" I rolled my eyes as put on my seatbelt. She rolled hers in return and ignored my comment and continued applying her lipstick like I didn't say anything.

"Done!" Jazz chirped with content before turning to me. "Use this." She handed me a transparent lip gloss but I didn't take it.

"We're getting late! We don't have time for this."

"Your lips are dry, nobody's gonna take you seriously with lips like that." She insisted and I took it.

"You win so can you drive?" I pointed at the steering wheel.

"You look so pretty and you only used lipgloss." She pouted and I rolled my eyes while hiding a smile.

I don't remember exactly how we became friends but she was my polar opposite. While I have dark brown hair, her's blonde. While I have green eyes, she has blue ones. Finally, I'm extremely shy interacting with people but she's very extroverted and doesn't hesitate to stick up for me when I'm in trouble. She's so nice that I can see our friendship lasting till we're both old and wrinkly.

I was too busy thinking of all her attributes I didn't notice when she entered school and parked at her usual spot.

She tapped me on my shoulder, "Aren't you getting off?" She asked with a chuckle.

If she knew how much I was praising her in my head, she wouldn't interrupt me.

As I got down and closed the door, I leaned on the passenger side of the door and noticed freshmen swinging their bags and hurrying inside the halls.

"Isn't life weird? That was us three years ago." She joined me in reminiscing.

"It really is. I can't believe this is our final year of high school."

We had got our schedule from the admin office and checked it together.

"I can't believe we only have one class together!" Jazz groaned.

"I know right." I frowned.

"Seems someone woke up on the right side of the bed today." Jasmin commented when we saw Andy striding towards us with a grin.

"Hey Jazz. Hey Lexi." He waved. "Lexi you have chemistry right? Let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me.

"I guess I'll see you later then." I waved Jazz before leaving.

How Andy always knew my class schedules were always a mystery to me but I know he does all he does because he considers me his sister.

"So it is possible for solid to change to liquid just like ice changing to water in the presence of heat-."

The door barged open and revealed a rather furious Kyle.

"Mr Matthews, so glad you could join us when class is just about to end." Mr Wilson released an exasperated sigh while Kyle smirked.

He stood at the door; his eyes scanning the classroom for a place to sit and just for a second there our eyes met but he immediately moved it while searching.

I feel like a stalker.

Andy leaned in and whispered, "Who does this guy think he is? Coming to class late and causing a scene? Does he think he's the hottest guy on earth?" He scoffed at the last statement.

"I don't know! He definitely isn't even that good looking."

"Yes, I know right."

The bell rang signifying the end of the class so before we left, Mr Williams announced a test that would be coming up on Friday which provoked a smile.

I just simply love taking tests it helps my brain in so many ways.

The whole day went by quickly and before I knew it, it was lunchtime so Andy and I both grabbed our lunch trays and made way to our usual table.

"No! Let's make a bet on Mr Wilson's test." I insisted while looking at him.

"No, watch where you're going." He warned.

"It's fine, I can se-"

I gasped when I crashed into something that caused my food to spill.


The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα