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Alexis's POV;

After kyle left i called up Andy and he said they were inside already and i should go to the ticket stand and i did that.

"Hey Lexi" i heard a familiar voice scream

My friends really didn't have shame,they could shout in a place filled with people and see nothing wrong with it

"Hey Jasmine" i smile

"Here i already bought you a ticket,we're seeing jumanji" she says handing the ticket to me

"sweetie,I've seen the trailer a thousand times,Dwayne Johnson stars in it" I say feeling ecstatic

"Yeah..and tons other stars" she rolls her eyes

"Alexis,you look great" Andy complimented

"Let's go in already,it's starting" jasmine screamed

The movie was awesome,it was action intertwined with comedy

"That movie was great" Andy exclaimed

"Yeah" i agreed

"You guys go ahead,I'm going somewhere,love ya" jazz hurried to go

That's strange,she did look preoccupied with her phone during the movie

"Bye!" Jasmine waved

"So,i guess we're walking" i looked at Andy

We walked out of the cinema and started walking

Thank the Lord i wore comfortable shoes

"So,how has life been?" He asked breaking the silence

"Pretty good,I'm seeing less of Christina so that's a good sign" i smirk

"We haven't been hanging out like we use to do i thought you were busy"

"I didn't even notice Andy,I'm so sorry" i apologized

"It's fine,I'm not mad" he smiled

And with that the conversation ended and it was quiet again,but we got to my house after awhile and i hugged Andy goodnight

"I'm hommee" i shouted

"Finally!! Where has Cinderella been? Sophie asked

"Well first i hanged out with kyle and then the movies with jasmine and Andy" i explained

" how did the date go? With kyle that is" she asked curiously

"It went well....just.."

"Just what!!!"

"Well he asked me out" i squeal

"Omg..that's great,so when did you tell him you'd give him an answer? 1 week? 2 weeks?"

"Actually,i told him yes already"

"Lexi why would you do that,first rule about dating is you take your time before you reply boys so it doesn't look like you're desperate"

The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now