Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Kyle's POV

"Fine. I'll tell you." She finally surrendered.

"Go on..."

"I know they had an aunt in LA. Glendale to be specific."

"Great. Give me the address."

She took a pen from the desk and wrote something and handed it over to me. I read it and it looked legit.

"Thank you. Let's keep this encounter in this room."

"But first, Mr Peterson," I turned to face the man. "You are fired!" I pointed at him.

"But she told you what you wanted, why am I getting fired?" He grumpily complained.

"Managers don't have sex with the people they are managing." I advised before exiting the cafe.

I looked at the paper again and then decided to go home. When I arrived home, I noticed my father's official car was in the garage.

I guess he's back.

"Keep your greeting to yourself, your principal called me to tell me you have been absent from school for two weeks! Two! I won't talk too much. Just make sure you catch up on your school or else!" He scolded.

"Yes father." I replied him calmly and I left to go up to my room. I grabbed my laptop from my desk to look up the address Tatiana gave to me.

It was barely four hours away from here. I'll go there tomorrow.

I took a shower and laid down on my bed. My phone vibrated and I saw a group video call with Ashton and Brian.

I answered it and their faces popped up on my screen.

"I shouldn't have broken the news about Alexis like that to you. I thought you were already aware. I'm sorry." Ashton apologized.

"Nah, It's all good." My straight lips turned to a smile.

"So what are you going to do about Alexis now?" Brian asked me.

"I'm going to Glendale tomorrow. To search for her. I already have an address."

"We should come with you."

"No. Don't worry I'll be good. I want to face her on my own."

"It's fine my dude."

I disconnected from the call and went to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

In the morning, I took a shower and a backpack. I went straight to the kitchen to grab diet coke and some bags of chips for the drive. I put in a couple of clothes, took my keys and used the least fanciest car I could find.

I don't know my way but hopefully the car navigator should have a better idea. Then if not people will.

After I buckled my seatbelt and prepared to drive out. I glanced over to my clock which read, 8AM and if my math is somewhat good, I should be in Glendale by 12 or 1PM.

I set out on my journey but first stopped at a nearby gas station to fill up my tank then put up the volume of my sound system so at least the journey wouldn't be too quiet.

My hands got tired of holding the steering wheel after a while so I parked it for a bit and ate a protein bar before I continued on my journey. After driving for about three hours, I drove past a sign which read; Welcome to Glendale.

I can't believe I just drove about four and a half hours to look for a girl.

When I felt nature call, I stopped at the first gas station I saw. I don't know this city. First I need to find a hotel then look for Alexis.

I finished from the restroom and saw a lady at the counter.

"Good afternoon ma'am." I greeted the pretty lady.

"Good afternoon!" She smiled back.

"I'm new here and I don't really know my way around this city. I'd like to know if there are any hotels nearby and also help in locating this address," I handed the note over to her.

She looks at it for awhile, "I know this part of town. My daughter lives around there and the hotel, there's one around there as well." She informed me and I let out a sigh of relief.

"I don't know where anything is. I'd appreciate it if you could show it to me?"

"Fine. But you will have to wait for at least two hours for my shift to end."

"That is fine by me."

I sit down on one of the chairs and after hours of driving, I finally took out my phone but saw a lot of missed calls and texts.

Four of the calls were from Ashton and Brian, Two from Emily and the other two from my mom.

The messages were in the same order as well.

I sent Ashton a message; I got to Glendale safe and I found someone who knows the address.

He started typing...are you sure you should trust a stranger?

I replied back. I don't have a choice. Tell Brian that I'm good and you guys shouldn't worry anymore

He texted back..we will always worry.

I smiled at that statement and I brought up Emily's number and texted her too.. I won't be coming home for awhile. Make up an excuse to mom and dad. Love you!

I looked at the time and I groaned. Only twenty minutes had passed. I can't do this.

I walked over to the counter, "If you come with me now, I will give you your full salary for the week. Closing early one day won't kill you." I offered.

After seconds of silence, "Deal!" She agreed and grabbed her purse.

We both got into my car and she showed me a motel and then we were able to locate the address. At the end of the day, I gave her my credit card and the pin.

That lady was an angel.

I went back to the motel she showed me. It wasn't exactly five star but it was manageable for a few days.

The bed in my house was better and the air con didn't work properly.

My lord. The things we do for love.

I dropped my bag on the bed, locked the door and left the small motel. I walked to the house with flowers on the outside and I knocked on the wooden door.

There was no response.

I knocked again on the door again and she opened the door.

"Its you..." Her voice whispered shakingly obviously surprised to see me.

"Can we talk for a bit?" I asked her and she nodded her head before she came outside.

The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now