Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Alexis POV

"So?" Andy looked into my eyes.

"Yes." I agreed and then he suddenly pulled me close and he kissed me. He kissed me like he had been waiting to that for the longest time. It

He's a good kisser and as far as I know he hasn't had a girlfriend before so how is he so good?

"So do you wanna eat the cookies or?" I looked down at my feet feeling rather self conscious by the fact that I had just agreed to date Andy and also kissed him.

"Hey, look at me." He muttered to me as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. "You don't need to feel weird. You'll get used to seeing me in this light." He reassured me.

I nodded with a smile, "So should we eat?" I asked confidently and he nodded in approval.

"But wait." He paused as he brought up the necklace. "Let me put this on you." He dangled it in front of me.

"It looked so plain before but now that it's on you, it looks extremely pretty." He commented.

Andy and I sat down on the lounge as we ate. He was clearly happy and I was too but I felt something was missing.

"Hey A and A!" Jazz said as she strolled towards us.

I know she definitely listened in on everything, she's that nosy.

"I see everything's sorted out and judging by how close you both are sitting, is it safe to say it's what I think it is?" She questioned.

"Yes Jasmine, you don't need to pretend,we know you listened in on everything." Andy and I snickered and she rolled her eyes.

"Guys I have to go, so I guess I'll see you both in school on Monday." I exited the garden but not before hugging Jazz and my new boyfriend.

When I got home, I took a shower before I settled in front of the tv but Sophie decided to join me.

"You've been missing since Friday, you didn't reply my texts, nothing, till this morning when you texted me and didn't even think to call."

"I'm sorry Soph, I was at Jasmine's because after the party, I got really drunk and Jasmine didn't want mom seeing me that way so she suggested that I stay over."

"Oh...I see, so how was Jasmine's?"

"It was good and I've also got a lot to tell you!"

"Go ahead" She squealed. "I never thought I'd see the day you'd bring back tea!" She teased.

"Andy and I are dating, he was the one that gave me this necklace." I showed it off.

"Why did you say yes?"

"Because he asked sweetly."

"That's it? Because he asked sweetly? If I told you to throw yourself off a cliff would you? If i asked sweetly?" She frowned.

"You're exaggerating. It's not that deep." I got up from the sofa.

"I'm not exaggerating Alexis and it's actually deep! We're talking about a relationship here! Do you even like him?" She followed me to the kitchen.

"What do you mean? Of course I like Andy, he's a great friend." I blurted out.

My own mouth betrayed me.

"That proved it, you don't like him! I know you still like Kyle, don't even bother denying it."

"No I don't!" I stomped upstairs and thankfully she didn't follow me.

I put my hair up into a ponytail and rested on my bed. My phone buzzed and I picked it up, it was a message from Andy saying goodnight.

Andy is so sweet.

The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now