Chapter Sixteen

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Alexis's POV;

Ah, Friday.

My favorite day of the week.

What could possibly go wrong?

I slept off yesterday without me even realizing it because I was mad at both Jasmine and Kyle.

I got dressed for school and left home taking only an apple with me because I was certain Jazz wouldn't come to get me.

After what happened yesterday, I promised myself that I'd speak to Jasmin to find out what went wrong yesterday.

During lunch, I found Jasmine and Andy sitting at a table together. I took the seat next to her and then I noticed Kyle stroll into the cafeteria and for a second there, our eyes met but he broke it.

"Are you still mad? I asked her.

She lifted up her face and I noticed her gaze was fixed on me like she wanted to say something.

"I don't know what happened yesterday, it was a weird day. I'm sorry." She apologized with a sigh.

"I missed you so so much." I pouted and she pulled me into a hug.

"Can we eat now?" Andy interrupted our make up session.

"Promise we'll never fight again," Jasmine brought out her pinky.

"Never again." I smiled and pulled her into another hug.

"Now, let's eat!" Andy whisper yelled and we both giggled.

When lunch was over and I walked to class, I felt a shadow behind me and I instantly turned to meet Kyle; his blonde hair was messy but he still managed to look good with it.

I looked at him and then I remembered how he stood me up the day before and although I was mad, my heart wouldn't stop pounding.

Damn you, Kyle.

"Hey, Alexis right?"

Alexis right? Are you kidding me? He doesn't know my name? How can he not remember my name? How did he save my number?

"Yes and I guess you're Kyle?" I spat back rolling my eyes and crossing my hand.

I'm very petty and just so he knows two can play at that game.

He let out a chuckle, "Look at that. If it makes you feel any better then yes, I'm Kyle."

You got that right.

"If you're done, I have to get to class." I lied as I walked away v but immediately his hands touch my arm, I stopped walking.

"Do you have this attitude because I didn't show up yesterday?" He asked.

"Hm...I don't know. Where we supposed to meet up yesterday? I totally forgot." I rolled my eyes.

"That was not intentional Alex, I promise I'll make up for it. After school in the music room or your place or the place we were supposed to meet before but please I need a passing grade." He pouted.

Nobody has ever pronounced my name like that before. Well they have but they didn't have the bass his voice had.

"Great, I'll text you." He smiled and I watched him leave.

I went for my classes but they seemed like an eternity. I stayed watching the clock like I was counting down till summer.

Immediately the bell rung, I dashed to the music room like a bat out of hell. I kept pacing back and forth waiting for him but he didn't come. One hour, two hours passed and so I sat down waiting but a buzz from my phone caught my attention.

Hey, I'm kinda stuck somewhere at the moment. I can't make it.

Why does he keep doing this to me and why am I such an idiot?

This really started as some silly crush and now here I am full on waiting for him.

When I got home, I was just exhausted. I dropped my bag and went over to the fridge to checked for leftovers but there was nothing so I just took an apple and closed the door of the fridge. I was heading upstairs when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and found our landlord with a frown on his face.

"Where's your mom?" He slammed the door loudly.

"Um...sir...she' yet." I struggled to construct a sentence.

"Well tell her that when she gets back she should pay me my rent or I'll have to take extreme measures with her." He warned.

"We will pay your rent sir," I assured him. "My mom's working overtime to make sure the rent is paid so please be a little more patient."

"Well I don't care! If you can't afford to pay the rent anymore, take your family and move the fuck away from here cause I need my money,I've been letting you beggars freeload here,this is the third month and still no rent!" He thundered.


"Yes sir and we are grateful sir so just-"

"So, nothing! You have two weeks to pay me the rent or I'm going to have to kick you and your family out of here!" He stormed off.

I took a deep breath and buried my head in my lap as tears seeped out of my eyes.

Nothings going right. Not school or the house finances or even boys.

"Hey Lexi who was that?" My sister Sophie asked coming down the stairs

She's been here the whole time?

"Oh baby, what happened Lexi?"

"The landlord," I sniffled. "He's threatened to kick us out in two weeks if we don't manage to pay him the rent we've been owing him for months."

"That stupid old man!" Sophie said through a gritted teeth.

"Even if he's old, he's still the landlord and We still owe him money!" I emphasized the owe.

"Mom would know what to do. Let's just wait for her to get back.


"Hey babies, I'm home!" My mom voice echoed through the living room.

"Mom!" I yelled and ran to embrace her.

"What's wrong?." She asked into my hair.

"The grumpy landlord came over again. He asked for the rent and threatened to kick us out." Sophie summarized.

"I hope he didn't try to hurt you both?" My mom examined my features closely.

"No mom." I shook my head and she sighed.

"So what do we do now? We only have two weeks so we must make good use if it." Sophie said.

She was really handling the situation well, better than I thought she would.

"We should all get jobs." I suggested.

"We both will but you won't."

"Why? We need all the help we can get." I shrugged.

"You have your finals coming up soon. You must concentrate on that so you can get a scholarship in a good college and if you're working you wouldn't be able to do that." My mom stroked my hair.

"That's understandable but-"

"Don't argue with me, that's final." She raised her voice and I went numb.

"Sophie tomorrow you have to look after the cafe. We rarely have customers and it might be good to do a couple of promotions to boost sales.

"Yeah, okay mom." We both said simultaneously.

"Now go to bed you two. We have a long day tomorrow." She assured us.

I know how much she is doing for us. Working overtime and not taking any days off. I have to graduate with honors so I can get a scholarship.

What a day!

Immediately my body hit my bed, I felt my eyes get heavy.

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