Chapter Seven

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Catching Christina at the cafeteria the other time made me remember Kyle. I didn't even think about getting him after the party but the fact that he's with Christina is making him seem more attractive.


"Good morning darling!" I heard my mom chirp so early in the morning.

It cannot be morning right now! I went to sleep just four hours ago!

"Just five more minutes please," I pleaded covering my face with my thick blanket.

"No! Go take a shower now!" The voice thundered at me but I ignored it and still tried to get more sleep.

When silence engulfed my room for a bit, I could feel my body relax into the bed but suddenly someone pulled my blanket, exposing me to this cold world.

"What the actual hell!" I grumbled as I sat up on my bed to see my father glaring at me.

"You wouldn't be this lazy to leave your bed if you just go to bed early! I could hear your giggles from my room last night." My father hissed.

"I was watching YouTube videos." I defended.

"If you keep up watching your late night videos, I'll have the Wi-Fi stop working." He threatened before he left my room.

I grumbled all through brushing my teeth, taking a bath and getting dressed for school.

Mornings are usually the most annoying part of my day. Why do I have to go to school at 8am everyday because I want to be successful? Why can't I go to school whenever I want?

After I got dressed, I wore  a frown and went downstairs. The sweet scent of scrambled eggs and bacon fill my nostrils! Bacon is usually part my favorite breakfast but I dread the days she makes them on a school day because I never have enough time to wait for them.

"Good morning Mom,"  I greeted with my frown intact.

" Do you always need to wear a frown every morning?" She didn't even turn to look at me and kept her eyes on the pan.

" It's not my fault there isn't such a thing as night school! I never get enough sleep!" I complained.

" Because you're always on your phone!" She shot back and I rolled my eyes.

Parents blame phones for everything, when they are always on theirs.

"Aren't you waiting to have breakfast? I'm making your favorite today!" My mom asked when she spotted me taking out my cereal.

"No mom, I can't wait! I have to pick up Lexi so I won't be able to." I explained to her and she went quiet.

" It's been a while she came over, tell her to come visit, I love having her over." My mom smiled.

"I will." I nodded.

When I finished my cereal, I texted Alexis I was leaving home already so she should hurry up with getting ready. I exited my house after waving my parents goodbye.

I saw Alexis kicking a stone with her foot like a little girl waiting for her mom as I remembered that she has always been there for me. For every test, exam and extra curricular; she always made sure to be by my side. It's no wonder my parents adore her because I do too. I picked her up and we drove off to the last day of school for the semester.

When we got to school, Alexis and Andy went off to meet with teachers for extra cred.

I'm not sure how I ended up having two bookworms as best friends when I'm far from being one.

I waited for them at my locker while I observed how weirdly oddly quiet the hallway was but then Kyle walked in. Kyle had always been popular right from freshman year and cute but I never noticed him so I wonder what was different today.

After much deliberation with my inner self, I finally decided to make a move but Christina beat me to it. She appeared out of nowhere and pulled him into a kiss.

The audacity.

The sight of them locking lips make me almost puke so I instead walked away to meet Lexi and Andy at the chemistry lab.

Enjoy all the time you have with Kyle right now because I'm going to take him from you.

The opportunity I was searching for came when Dylan threw a party. When I was given an invite, I didn't plan on attending but when he handed out an invite to Kyle; I decided then and there that I was definitely going to attend it.

I skipped school the next day and called in sick but I went shopping instead where I bought a couple of really revealing dresses.

When I got to the party, I couldn't find him anywhere.

Maybe he's smashing faces with Christina or did he change his mind? Come to think of it he didn't exactly say he'd attend this party.

I couldn't just be waste my night waiting for a guy I wasn't certain would show up so I danced with a random guys and while we were still dancing, I caught a glimpse of Kyle.

He stood in the kitchen with a few of his friends from the football team and they seemed to be deep conversations but they also held can beers in their hands.

After noticing that Christina wasn't anywhere to be found, I decided that I  could use this opportunity to get close to him.

I took a shot of tequila for the courage and walked over to them, as soon as they sensed who I was there for, they left Kyle all alone.

We talked for a little bit and then I kissed him, I thought he would stop me but he didn't. I used the opportunity to kiss him harder. We stayed like that for awhile but then he pulled out, grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to a bedroom.

The bedroom was small and dimly lit, perfect for the mood. We found a comfortable spot on the bed and continued from where we stopped.

In between kissing, I felt his hands constantly try to put mine to his member and just as I was about to go down on him, a flash from a phone distracted us. We looked and found Caitlin one of Christina's minions taking a picture of us.

Before I could reach her to delete the picture, she ran away.

I went back upstairs and finished with Kyle who just got up and left. I felt my phone vibrate so I opened it, my eyes widened when I saw a picture of kyle and myself but I guess everyone was too drunk to understand it.

"You bitch!" Christina barged into the room,m. "Do you really think you can take Kyle away from me?" She scoffed.

"The slut couldn't just wait to get in bed with him." Charlotte pitched in.

"Listen you bimbo!" She poked me. "Stop these fucking antics of yours, it's not going to work." She advised.

"The fact that you're here means you feel intimidated; and I don't blame you. Just leave me the fuck alone!" I replied before storming off and left the party.

End of Flashback

I was labelled the school slut because I tried to break up the school's IT couple and it was Alexis that helped me through the dark times.

The one other thing that's still a fact was that even with everything, I still liked Kyle but I hid it away from Alexis because I know that if she found out, she wouldn't miss an opportunity to tease me about it.

The idea of Alexis even having a crush on someone is exciting. It's been so long since she used that heart of hers.

The only sad part was that it wasn't Andy she had a crush on.

Andy has always been there for her. It was totally obvious he liked her.Being both their friends meant I couldn't take sides. So I decided to let them fall in love naturally.


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