Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alexis's POV;

"Hey Soph, I really need to take a nap." I told Sophie as I stared at my phone.

I saved his name as cutie. I wonder what he saved mine as, probably didn't save it at all.

"You sure you wanna be alone?" She looked concerned. I nod my head and she left

Should I go?

I hesitated for a bit but later convinced myself that I should listen to what he has to say.

After I applied a little makeup to cover up my red eyes; I climbed out of my window and I left for the cafe, I know I am stupid but a part of me wants to listen to what he has to say.

When I got to the parking lot, there was only one car there and it obviously had to be him so I took a deep breath and walked over to the drivers seat.

He came out when he noticed my presence, "Alexis I really wanted to-"

He stopped when my palms connected to his face.

"Save it, I don't want to hear it. How could you hurt me in such a way? I trusted you."

"I know I am a fool, I am-"

"Yes you're right, you are a fool and also a pathetic kisser! I interrupted.

"Now we both know that's a lie. The girls I've kissed would beg to differ."

"So it's a flex now huh?"

"If you weren't satisfied with our last kiss, I can do much better right now." He suggested as he stepped closer to me.

"That is enough! Don't take another step forward or I'll leave. I am constantly humiliated by Christina but this was the worst, know why? Because my feelings were involved, how could you make me believe you liked me? No, don't answer that. I'm obviously the fool who believed you."

"Alexis, I know I hurt you and I'm deeply sorry for that but could you please forgive me?"  He pouted, his blue eyes sparked.

"I'm sorry but I can't forgive you, you broke my trust, just how do you think I would forgive that? I came out to hear what you had to say but now I'm done. Goodnight Kyle." I sighed and walked away.

"Alexis wait!" He called out to me but I didn't stop.

I heard footsteps approaching and he turned me back to face him.

"Could you just let me explain?"

"You've cooked up a lie so fast already? Don't bother. Don't call me anymore or text me. This is the only time you like talking to me right? When there's no one's watching? So you can keep your reputation? I'll make it easier for you, I'll stay away." I shook my arm off his grip and left him there.


Kyle's POV

It's only 6:30pm, it's a little too early to go home, let me see what the guys are up to.

I take out my phone and dialed Ash's number but it didn't go through, so I called Brian instead.

"Where are you guys at?" I asked.

"I'm Ash's house."

"Be there in a min."

It was a ten minute drive to Ash's house. I pulled into the house.

As I opened the front door, a bright luminous light hit my eyes. Their living room was modern and luxurious. Red and white silky curtains draping down the walls to the smell of new furnitures, his mom always liked redecorating.

The Beautiful Nerd✔️ (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now