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After Kai and I finished eating breakfast, we packed up our things and shut down everything in the cabin to head for Rocksprings. Luckily the trip there was only a little over an hour so we wouldn't be on the road for long.

During the trip I remained silent as pieces of last night came back to my memory. I felt like I was putting a puzzle together in my head.

When I had first woken up I couldn't think of a single thing, but as the day went on and the harder I tried, I was able to remember my favorite part of the night. Seeing Kai's wolf alongside the river. I remember my thoughts from last night, one of them being how badly I wanted to paint the scene I saw.

The next thing I remember is when I transitioned back, but my wolf side was still in control.

"You're okay, come on" Kai says as he helps me stand back up on my feet.

"Everything hurts" I groan out.

"I know. Come on" he says scooping his arms under my legs and picking me up bridal style.

"Are we far from the cabin?" I ask as I rest my head on Kai's bare chest.

"Not too far. When the moon started going down I started leading us back."

Sure enough a short walk later the cabin came into view.

Kai carried me inside and sat me down on the toilet seat.

"Can you hold yourself up?" He asks as he uses his finger to raise my chin.

My eyes do their best to focus, but I feel horribly groggy and my body feels like it's being weighed down, but I nod anyway.

Kai stands up and I hear him turn on the shower, then he walks out of the room. When he comes back he has two towels in hand.

"Come on baby" he says once again helping me stand on my feet.

"The shower should help" he says as he joins me under the warm water. I hum at the feeling of the water soothing my tired muscles, as Kai carefully rubs his hands up and down my arms.

"Want me to stay in here with you?" He asks lowly.

I nod my head and lean my body back against his chest. Kai helps me lather myself up with soap, and even helps shampoo and condition my hair. Once I finished he helped me out and wrapped me in a towel and took me to the bedroom.

"I put clothes out for you. I'm gonna wash up real quick."

I sit down at the edge of the bed and take in the view of Kai.

The towel he was using around his waist hung dangerously low, and his torso and hair was still dripping water.

The room was fairly dark besides the warm dim light of the lamp that was on his side of the bed. He was a perfect image, he almost didn't look real. The contrast of the light gave his features more depth. Specifically the deep lines on his abs and v-line.

"Are you okay?" He asks stepping closer and raising my chin up to look him in the eyes.

I bite my lip and nod as I swoon over the feeling of his finger on my chin, then he softly caresses my face. Kai smirks, more than likely feeling what I'm feeling. Pure lust.

"Lay down and I'll be out in a minute okay?" He says before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and walking back to the bathroom.

Once he walks back into the bathroom I decide to ditch the clothes he left out for me and wait for him to come back.

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