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I made it to the restaurant right at 1am by bus. Since the restaurant also has a full bar we're open till about 4am, so I know I'd definitely be bartending for this shift.

I walk through the front door, my eyes adjusting to the bright light of the room. Our front waiting area is a large room with white elegant floors and dark wood furniture. I see my co-worker Hannah at the hosts station.

"Hey Hannah where's Maggie?" I ask walking a little past her to catch a glimpse of the bar area, it's fully packed with men in suits and women in cocktail dresses. "I think she's finishing up in the kitchen, she said to go ahead and help Stevie at the bar when you get here"

I nod and quickly make my way to the bar.
"Hey Lilith!" Stevie calls from the register.

"Hey Stevie" I say giving him a small smile while I grab an apron.

Stevie is 26 I think? He's got a pretty young face for 26, when I met him I thought he was 17. He was a sweet guy and probably one of my favorite coworkers right next to Maggie.

I get to work making drinks for the large groups of people that are sitting at the bar, occasionally hearing a few conversations. This was my favorite part about bartending. I get to hear countless conversations, some a little scandalous. What can I say I'm a little bit of a snoop, or like my mom says "Chismosa"

I had been working for a little over an hour before a certain scent caught my attention. I picked my head up and looked around thinking maybe it was one of these men's cologne. God it smelled so good. I looked around again before catching a glimpse of a man standing a few feet away from me. From where I stood he looked tall, taller than most of the men he was standing around. He had black hair and I could tell he was fairly muscular. When he turned his head more towards my direction I noticed he had confused look on his face, like he was looking for something too. I stared at him as he walked around the room with the same confused expression. Why couldn't I look away? I wasn't the type to fall at the feet of a guy, especially not for his looks. I didn't waste my time with crushes and boyfriends and all the dating apps people my age use these days. I didn't really see a point in spending my life looking so hard for someone when I could be doing things to better myself. But for some reason the moment I saw this man I could not take my attention away from him. Every moment I spent trying to focus on making a drink or cleaning out a glass my eyes would drift to wherever he was in the room. Part of me felt like he knew I was watching him because he would almost look in my direction with that same confused expression, and it was confirmed when he finally laid his soft eyes on me from across the room.

When we made eye contact his confused expression changed to relief. I started to feel a little uncomfortable and even more confused when I noticed this, so I looked away first. I walked to the opposite side of the bar to assist one of the customers but it was hard to focus, I kept feeling eyes on me and it got more and more unsettling. As the night went on I would feel him staring, I would occasionally stare back and give him a "what the fuck is wrong with you look" but he would only smile and look away. It was now last call and people began to leave, everyone except him. I didn't care anymore what he was doing I just knew I wasn't feeling good. I started to feel warm and my body began to ache. I could tell Stevie knew something was wrong and he kept insisting I just go home. Finally Maggie came up to me.

"Honey go home you look flushed it's not good for business" she said with a little laugh at the end to make me smile. I gave her a small smile and nodded. "We close in 45 minutes anyway, just do me a favor and dump this trash out on your way out and head home, I'll clock you out at 4." She says rubbing my shoulder and grabbing the trash bag from behind her.

"Thanks Mags" I say and grab the bag and walk out the back door to the dumpster. When I dumped the trash I felt a piercing pain in my back causing me to yelp. The piercing pain moved throughout my body from my head to my toes. Every muscle ached and it felt like something was ripping at me from the inside. A loud moan of pain escaped my lips and I fell to the ground on my back. My skin was on fire and the aching only intensified and I let out a scream. I turned my head to look down the alley way for anyone who could help. I knew no one inside would hear me with all the people inside but someone had to have heard me. I let out another yelp in pain before the black spots in my vision took over and I was out cold.

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