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The next morning I wake up in a sweaty panic.

My heart was racing from once again another nightmare. The same damn nightmare I might add.

Once I finally calm myself down I notice Kai isn't sleeping next to me.

I sigh and get out of bed and head for the shower before Kai gets back and wonders what's wrong.

Once I start the shower and get in, I hear a knock at the bathroom door.

"Yes?" I call out.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah" I say back.

Yeah I'm okay. Aside from the fact that I'm dreaming of you being brutally murdered almost every night.

Once I finish up in the shower, I realize I had forgotten a towel.

"Damnit" I mutter. "Uh Kai!"

I faintly hear a yes.

"Can you bring me a towel? there should be one in my bag."

I listen closely and I'm pretty sure he said okay.

I do my best to ring out my curls as I wait for Kai to bring in the towel. I hear the door open, and I expected him to just drop it in and leave, but he pulls back the curtain so quick it makes me jump.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I quickly cover my chest.

He slowly rakes his eyes all the way up and down my body with a smirk, and leans on the side of the wall with a towel in one hand and the other behind his back.

He raises his hand and offers me the towel.

I take it from him, feeling awkward at the smirk he's still giving me.

I wrap my body with the towel but Kai still doesn't move.


Before I can ask again he takes the hand from behind his back and between two fingers is a small box of condoms...

"What I-"

"I found them in your bag, under your towel." He cocks his head to the side as if he's looking for any sign of recognition.

Suddenly Tyler's words come to mind. "Has she not found them yet?"

I let out a frustrated breath. "Fucking Phoebe." I mutter.

Kai chuckles and shakes his head. "Well tell Phoebe thanks, but these are a little too small for me." He says then drops his eye into a wink. He puts the box in my hands and walks out of the restroom.

Phoebe I'm going to kill you.


After my shower Kai and I get dressed and ready for our last day of training here.

We were both standing in a line waiting to pick up breakfast when I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turn around I'm stunned to see Elaine.

"Can I talk to you?"

I'm surprised she's managed to keep her eyes off of Kai so long, but the entire time she's looking me dead in the eye.

"Uh sure." I say awkwardly as I look back at Kai who looks just as confused. "I'll be right back." I say quickly to Kai before Elaine and I walk away from the line and off to where Alyssa had taken me yesterday.

"I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I was out of line." She says simply.

"Yeah. Okay thanks."

Elaine nods and we both stand there silently.

"Was there something else?" I ask. My eyes darting back to the line where Kai was.

"I just." Elaine let's put a frustrated sigh. This is a totally different Elaine than I'm used to. She looks uncomfortable and antsy. Nothing like the cocky confident bitch I was used to...

"I still love Kai." She finally blurts out.

I'm taken back by her words, and something inside of me was growing with anger.

"I'm not using that to justify the way I've been acting." She adds. "I mean, you know what it's like to love him, and to be loved by him."

The tone in her voice was pained, this was definitely not the Elaine I met before.

"Imagine if the rolls were reversed, what if Kai was my mate, and had to leave you for me. Wouldn't you do anything to get him back?" I can tell she's trying to get me to sympathize. But she's dead wrong.

"No. I wouldn't."

She looks shocked by my response.

"I love him, and if being with you is what was going to make him happy I'd let him go." I state simply. "Especially if he was your mate. I may not particularly like you but I have enough love and respect for him to let him be happy even if it was with you."

Elaine sighs and nods her head.

"I just wish I could find my mate. At least then I'd forget about my feelings for Kai."

I wasn't really sure what to say now, but I stepped closer to Elaine and hesitantly wrapped my arms around her.

"What are you doing?" She asks uncomfortably.

"Uh. Trying to be comforting?"

She snorts and eventually relaxes and awkwardly holds me back.

"I guess all we had to do to get along was beat the shit out of each other." She mutters.

I scoff and release her from our embrace.

"Well it looks like I got the brunt of it. Your nose doesn't even look broken anymore."

"Yeah. Wolfy abilities" she says with a wink.

I roll my eyes at her and she laughs. "I'm also sorry about that. Eavesdropping and all that." She says awkwardly.

I shrug. "It's whatever."

"Well thanks for listening. And again, I really am sorry." She says with a small smile and walks off towards the line again.

I head towards Kai who is at the picnic tables with two plates for us.

"What was that about?" He asks.

"She was just apologizing."

Kai nods his head and looks at me like he was waiting for me to elaborate, but I decided I'd keep her confession between us and us only. Even though she wasn't exactly my favorite person, she confided in me and I wanted to respect that.

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