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As more people began to arrive, I began to feel more and more stressed

I couldn't stop thinking about Anna. I can't believe I have another Aunt.

It never occurred to me that I probably had so much more family out there that I had no clue existed, and the thought alone sent my mind on a whirlwind of racing thoughts.

I wondered if Ezekiel had more siblings, and if he did, I wonder if they escaped the way Anna had.

"You look just like your mother you know?"

I was inside the cabin prepping another tray of burgers that Damien had just brought in. I thought I was in here alone, but I turned around to face the voice I now see is Anna.

"Yeah I get that a lot." I say with a small laugh.

"But you have my mother eyes." She says looking deep into my eyes as hers began to water.

"Really?" I ask with a small smile.

It was nice to know my eyes weren't just the same as someone as vile as Ezekiel. Based off the way she's looking at me I assume their mother was nothing like him.

She smiles and nods and takes a seat at the table. She pats the seat beside her and I follow in suit.

I take the spot next to hers, and she peers into my eyes a little longer before she responds.

"She was an amazing woman, you would've loved her." She says sadly. "Did you know you're also named after her?"

I widen my eyes and shake my head. "Ezekiel named you after her."

It was slightly unsettling that not only did we share our eyes, I was also named by him.

"How did she pass? If you don't mind me asking..."

She shakes her head. "She's your family too. I think you deserve to know" she takes a deep breath and smiles.

"She was murdered. Her and my father."

Once again I'm rendered speechless.

"By who?"

She sighs and shakes her head. "It's a cold case, but I have a feeling I know who." She says sadly.

I take in what she's saying. "You think he-"

She immediately nods before I finish.

"Why would he name me after her if he did it?"

She shrugs and shakes her head.

"Like Marcos said he's never ran the pack the way most do. Once he found your mother and began leadership training, something changed. He started making decisions without my parents and the rest of leadership. There were only rumors about how he treated your mother, but when our parents found out that he had been abusing her and doing very illegal things with the packs money, they were killed. It all lines up..." she adds.

"Why didn't anyone do anything?"

"We were afraid. We didn't have proof, and we believe he paid people off within the pack. There was a lot of obvious corruption but everyone was too afraid to confront it."

"What went wrong? Was he always like this?"

She shakes her head. "He always presented himself as the golden boy." She chuckles sadly. "He fooled us all until he took over leadership." She shrugs.

I sit and think on all this new information, and I remember something else she had said.

"You said he was doing illegal things with the pack money?"

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