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I was getting ready to head to the restaurant where I would meet Ezekiel. We found a place that's right in between mine and the Micheals home so that way my mom and everyone would all be close by in case of any issues.

I had a whirlwind of emotions racing through my head. Mine and Kai's. He'd been texting and calling me all morning, and as much as I loved him he was driving me nuts. I think he eventually got the hint because he stopped calling and resorted to text messages, which included multiple YouTube videos of how to take down someone bigger than me. I'm sure he was being helpful but it was starting to stress me out.

I was slipping on a pair of shoes when my mom walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Hey Mama" I say trying to keep my voice light and calm. When I told her I'd be meeting with Ezekiel she about near had a heart attack. I chose not to tell her about him being at the gallery. That was something Kai and I kept to ourselves.

"Hey baby" she says taking a seat next to me on the bed. I can tell by her posture she's nervous, that and her bouncing leg.

"I'm gonna be fine ma." I say giving her a reassuring smile once I get my other shoe on. I rest my hand on her knee the way she does to me when I'm nervous. She gives me a sad smile and rests her hand on top of mine.

"I know you are." She says. Her voice was shaking like she was ready to cry.

"I've been so caught up in my own mess I didn't stop to ask how you're feeling." I say taking her hand in both of mine.

"Just the sound of his name takes me back." She says sadly as tears begin to pool in her eyes.

"I'm not a hateful person but I hate him. I hate him so much. And I hate what he's doing to my family and to Kai's family."

My mother was finally breaking down, right in front of me.

"I just wish this wasn't happening. I'd hoped he'd never find you." She adds. "He must have gotten his hands on another witch." She says in an angry tone.

"What do you mean?" I press.

She looks at me quickly before turning her eyes back down to the floor.

"I'm sure the first time you met Kai, and your wolf awakened, that was when he was able to sense you. But to find you as quick as he did, he had to have used the help of a witch."

"You don't think Alora is still working for him do you?" I ask warily. I will admit it was a strange coincidence that she was there at the gallery, and I so happen to meet her daughter.

"No. She looked like she had seen a ghost when she saw me. Even I thought I did too." She says with a low chuckle.

"Have you talked to her since the gallery?" I had given my mom her phone number yesterday, she said she'd call her but never actually mentioned if she did.

"No I haven't." She says looking at me with her same sad eyes. "I just don't want to go back to that time of my life. I hate to say it but seeing her at your gallery took me back 22 years and it hurt just as much as it did then."

As tears fled from my mother's eyes, I tightly held her hand in mine. Something about her choice of words made my chest hurt. It's like it was a reminder that 22 years ago one of the worst things that happened to my mother created me. I internally fought with myself the day she told me her story. I tried my best not wallow in self pity because of what happened to her, but after she told me the lingering thought remained in my head. I felt dirty, I felt like every time my mother or grandmother looked at me that's what they saw. The daughter of the devil himself. I keep trying to keep myself from feeling it but it always comes back to fuck with my head.

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