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I was in my room unpacking. Kai had dropped me off about 20 minutes ago, and after being grilled by Abuelita for 15 minutes she finally let me go to my room to unpack.

Of course she wasn't direct with me but she did ask about what I did every single day I was gone.

Luckily I was able to steer her away from asking too much about yesterday's events. I told her we had decided to leave early this morning and that's why I was home a day late and at noon.

I was almost done unpacking when Phoebe bursts through the door with wild eyes and a wide grin.

"I hate you" I state before grabbing the unopened box of condoms from the bottom of my bag and chucking them at her.

She catches them before they hit her and she shuts the door behind her while cackling like a hyena.

"You were gone for like 4 days and you didn't do the deed!" She whisper screams.

"I didn't say that." I mutter barley under my breath and go back to folding my clothes.

"Um excuse me what was that?" She says suddenly appearing at my side.

"I said, I didn't say that."

"Oh my god!"

"Shut the fuck up! sabes que Abuelita podría estar escuchando!"

She smacks her lips and waves her hand at me. "She was watching her novelas, now give me the details!" She says plopping onto the bed.

"What do you want me to say?" I chuckle nervously.

"Well for starters why is the condom box unopened? You better have not raw dogged it."


She only giggles and covers her mouth like a 5 year old who just said a curse word.

"We didn't use those is all" I say shrugging. There's no way in hell I was going to tell her why.

"Well here keep them, I obviously won't be using them." She says tossing them back towards me.

"We don't need them" I state.

"Was it that bad..." she says slightly frowning.

"No it was good... we just don't need those."

Phoebe looks at me quizzically, and I'm starting to wish I had said okay and thrown them away later without her looking. But it was too late. A smile starts to creep onto her lips and I know I'm in for it.

"So were they to big? Or too small."

"I'm not having this conversation with my baby sister." I say as I put the last of my things away.

"Oh my god they were too small weren't they!" She says jumping up from the bed.



"Oh fuck me" I mutter and cover my face with a pillow as I lay back on my bed.

"No I'll leave that to your man, since he's packing and all." She adds.

"Jesus Christ Phoebs!"

"Wanna know something funny?" She asks barley above a whisper.

I take the pillow away from my face and peak at her. Once again that same mischievous smile rests on her face.

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