The deed

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Taehyung opened the door to the gymnasium and came face to face with his boyfriend making out with someone else. A loud echo was heard as his bag hit the ground, startling the two teenagers.

"What the fuck"

"Taehyung? What are you doing here??"

"What the fuck does it matter, what the hell is this??" The brunette asked with fury in his eyes as he made his way to his boyfriend who looked unbothered unlike the other young boy who was looking down.

"I got tired of waiting" He simply said.

"Waiting? I was like twenty minutes late?" Taehyung shook his head not understanding.

"Not that you idiot, I got tired of waiting for you to give in. You're best friends with Jungkook, the school playboy so I thought you'd be easy to get in bed but no, you just wouldn't give it up" Minho rolled his eyes and laid his back on the wall.

"Oh fuck this" Taehyung turned around and left. He got into his car and drove straight to his best friend's house. Sitting in his car he called Jungkook to check if he was home.

"I'm outside your house, you there?"

"I'm busy"

"Whatcha doing?"

"I got a girl here"

"I need to talk to you, you can fuck her later"

"Oh come on man"

"Me and Minho broke up"

"Well for that I'm definitely free, give me ten minutes"

Taehyung chuckled and hung up. A small raven haired girl exited the house looking rather disappointed and the boy left his car and entered the house. Jungkook was waiting for him with a glass of ginger ale and a hug. Taehyung sighed running his hand through his hair.

"So what happened?" The elder asked.

"Caught him making out with some twink in the gymnasium earlier"

"Sorry Tae"

"Yeah well that's one year of my life I'll never get back..." "Say Kook, would you have sex with me?"

Jungkook spit out half of his drink and choked with the other half.

"What the hell kind of question is that??"

"Oh come on"

"Dude didn't you have a boyfriend for that?"

"I never did it with him, that's kind of why he looked for someone else to do it with"

"Well he's a jerk then and no, I won't sleep with you Tae what the hell. We're not in love"

"Oh come on, you've never loved any of the ones you've slept with!"

"I'm different, besides I'd be your first and you know how much I hate to be someone's first, I hated being my first" Taehyung rolled his eyes but scooted closer to where his friend was standing.

"Please! I know you care about me and love me so I know you won't tell and you'll be gentle, come on!"

"Tae, you didn't wait all these years just to do it with me" Jungkook shook his head no.

"I don't even know why I waited..."

"Look, it's true I'm not a believer of the whole having sex is something super special and it should only be called making love and everything but still, your first should be better than this"

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