Late night practice

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BTS had been practicing over and over for their new comeback, the choreography was harder than usual and all the members had been doing their best to avoid getting comments from Hoseok who was the only one who had the new dance locked down. Taehyung looked to his right and saw Jungkook bent over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath, if even he was having a hard time with the choreography than there really wasn't any hope for the rest of the group.

"I'm so thirsty I can barely swallow" The brunette said.

Hoseok was always very strict when it came to drinking during practice in order to avoid getting a stitch and not being able to dance until it went away.

"I'll go get you your bottle, hyung!"

Taehyung smiled, Jungkook had always been a dutiful dongsaeng (except to Jimin) and the two got along well. There were times where the black haired boy would act too spoiled or too superior but given how talented he was and the rough, public puberty he had gone through, the members would let it slide.

He gratefully took the bottle Jungkook handed to him and gulped down the delicious liquid.

"Ohh, this feels good"

"Damn, Tae. Nobody asked for the dirty audio" Jungkook joked making the rest of the members laugh.

Taehyung knew Jungkook didn't mean anything with his comment but he still wasn't used to him making sexual jokes, in fact he wasn't used to the other having any kind of sexual knowledge. All of the boys were very close but Namjoon had put up a strict barrier from the start, no talking about anything sexual, ever. At first it was normal because they didn't know each other well and Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were very, very young but even now that they were all grown up, they still adhered to the rule.

Looking back at his member, Taehyung had an easy view to Jungkook's bulging biceps since the boy was wearing a black sleeveless shirt. He knew he had been going to the gym almost everyday for the past year, so maybe that was why the change in appearance hadn't felt so sudden but now that he took his time to look at Jungkook, he noticed just how much his body had changed over time. But when the boy caught him staring and smiled with his bunny teeth, Taehyung realized that inside, he was still the same innocent boy with whom he used to play around with.

"Alright that's enough for today" Namjoon announced, gaining a collective sigh of relief.

"I wanted to go again" Hoseok objected. Everyone froze to look at the two, Namjoon was the leader but Hoseok was the member in charge of the dance practice.

"We've been here since 2 o'clock, it's now almost eight o'clock. We're done for today" His tone was final and Hoseok nodded his head.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged a quick giggle before following their hyungs out of the room and back into the living room. There weren't enough showers for everyone to go at once, so Taehyung went into his room to wait for one to be free. On his way over, the door to Jungkook's bedroom opened and the boy appeared before him.

He had taken off his shoes and socks, as well as his shirt and was standing there with nothing but black sweatpants on. Taehyung had seen him shirtless a hundred times but this time, his eyes couldn't look away. Seeing his smooth skin was overwhelming as he fought the urge to run his fingers over each bump of the six pack the younger still had. He could almost feel his fingers going towards the rim of the sweatpants that laid around the younger's infamous tiny waist Taehyung found himself wanting to hold and squeeze. How could someone have such a perfect body, why was the sight of it alone enough to make Taehyung feel hot.

"Hyung? Everything alright"

"I should go" Without even looking up at the younger, Taehyung walked by him, almost slamming the door behind him as he ran to safety between the four walls of his bedroom.

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