The dinner party pt2

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Taehyung was finishing getting ready for a dinner later tonight. His family and the Jeon's would be meeting at a fancy restaurant to celebrate the birthday of Taehyung's father and the brunette was a bit nervous about seeing Jungkook again. That was a lie, he was absolutely terrified. Ever since the dinner party the two had only seen each other once when they ran into each other on the street.

They had exchanged a few texts but neither of them had brought up what had happened the other day. Would it be awkward between them now? Taehyung remembered how hard it had been not to kiss his friend when they bid each other goodbye...

"God" The brunette whined and sat down on his bed.

He wondered if Jungkook was thinking about this as much as he was, probably not. He heard his mother shout and went downstairs, his parents were ready and since his brother wasn't here, they left.

Inside the restaurant, the Jeons were already sitting at the table. Taehyung felt the butterflies in his belly as his eyes fell on the tall ravenette. Breathing deeply, he made his way over and greeted the parents first before hovering over to where Jungkook was.

"Hey" He tried.

"Wanna sit?" Jungkook pointed to the seat next to his and Taehyung nodded his head before making his way around the table and sitting opposite to the boy.

Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes before taking his seat. The conversation started as the parents congratulated Mr. Kim for his birthday and started reminiscing about the old days. Taehyung had asked why Jungkook's sister wasn't here, and it turned out she was out of town with the Park's daughter.

"So just me and Jungkook, then" He whispered. "Great"

"You could at least pretend you're glad to see me" Jungkook joked.

"I thought I was" Taehyung shot back. He looked as the ravenette sat back down on his chair and licked his lips.

Even though he did his best to participate in the adult conversation, Taehyung just wasn't that interested. Eventually Jungkook showed him a post about a friend from high school and the two started gossiping. The entrees went by fast and the main course was already here.

Taehyung was halfway through his meal when he felt something slide up his leg. He didn't need to look to know what it was. His hand went to smack away Jungkook's foot as he shot him a death glare. Jungkook answered with a smirk that made Taehyung's mind flashback to that night. He remembered the ravenette's smirk as he pounded inside him.

"You're getting red" Jungkook pointed out.

"Shut up" Taehyung hissed.

For a moment the elder stayed put and didn't try anything until the end of the meal. It wasn't until the dessert was served that Taehyung felt his foot climb up his leg once more. He shot his friend another insisting stare but instead of stopping, Jungkook slid his foot even higher up, going in between his friend's legs.

"Quit it!" Taehyung said as his fist hit the table. The parents stopped talking to look at him whereas Jungkook was clearly holding in a laugh.

"Jungkook keeps trying to eat my whipped cream" Taehyung said with a forced chuckle.

"Just give him some, his ice cream didn't come with any" His mother said as the adults went back to talking.

"I think you're the one who's going to be eating my whipped cream, if you know what I mean" Jungkook chuckled.

"Everyone gets what you mean, you pervert" The brunette hissed.

Taehyung finished eating his dessert and excused himself to the bathroom. Once inside, he rested both hands on the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook running his hands on his body and his lips biting his neck like he did last time. Every time he would look at the ravenette his whole body would start heating up as if it would burst into flames.

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