Shower sex

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"Okay good game guys!!" Coach Lee clapped his hands, followed by his football team. All the players cheered and headed to the changing room. Some players picked up their stuff and directly left, they would shower and change at their house while some stayed and showered here at the school.

"You guys coming??" Baekhyun called out for his friends.

"Yeah I'm just waiting for Xiumin and Suho to get ready"

"Where are Sehun and Kai?"

"I think they already left" Chanyeol answered.

The four boys took their stuff and left, leaving only six other players in the locker room. A small white-haired boy emerged from one of the showers as another one entered.

"Yo Yoongi!" Namjoon yelled


"You boyfriend's here!" Just outside the door another small, very pretty boy waited patiently for his boyfriend to come out.

"Well that's my ride, bye guys!"

"Bye!" The all answered at the same time as Yoongi opened the door greeting his boyfriend with a sweet kiss.

"Hi babe"

"Hey there, oh is Tae here?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah he's hasn't showered yet I think, he's been talking with Jungkook"

"Oh I'll be right back" The brunette entered the locker room, heading straight towards his best friend.

"Jimin!" The tall brunette got up and went to hug the smaller one.

"Jesus you reek, Tae"

"Yeah sorry I haven't showered yet, Jin and Hoseok were using the showers" Taehyung chuckled and patted his torso with his towel. 

"But aren't there more than two?" Jimin quirked an eye brow and looked around.

"Yeah but those have the best pressure, plus they're bigger"

"Whatever, so are you and Jungkook swinging by tonight?" Jimin shook his head and asked his question.

"I am, I don't know about Kook  though. I'll ask him if you want"

"Please, well the others already said they were coming so try to bring him along"

"I'll do my best" The brunette said.

"Okay I gotta run, bye Tae. BYE KOOK" Jimin yelled as the latter turned away from his bag.

"Bye Jimin!" Jungkook waved goodbye and went to sit back next to Taehyung, still waiting for the showers.

"Jimin was right you reek"

"Shut the fuck up" The two boys laughed. "You coming to Jimin's house later?"

"Probably, this guy canceled on me so"

"A guy? That's new, does our Kookie have a boyfriend"

"I'm not fucking Kookie. I'm the best football player and no, not a boyfriend fuckface just a friend"

"Friend or fuckbuddy" Taehyung teased.

"You're a fucking pig" The ravenette slapped his friend's head  getting up, the brunette laughing his ass off. 

"You guys sure you don't want us to wait for you?" At last Hoseok and Jin exited the showers, both leaving straight away with Namjoon who had been waiting for them.

"I'm good" Taehyung said.

"Same, see you at Jimin's" Jungkook joined in. 

"You got it" The boys nodded and left. 

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