Mafia boss

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TW: drugs, "forcing", violence (barely).

If you asked him, Taehyung wouldn't be able to tell you how he had gotten to where he was. Troubled kids from broken up home weren't anything new, getting involved with the wrong people was almost a rite of passage for people like him and spending all your money on drugs was the end game for almost everyone he knew. Taehyung had started down that road, hanging in bars and around drug lords and he one night, just after having taken a dangerous cocktail of drugs, he thought he was living his last day on this god green earth when someone had made his entrance in the bar/club.

Jet black hair, an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing and a sleeve tattoo that his black t-shirt let see. Taehyung watched as the man sat down in the VIP section of the bar where only the most ruthless drug lords sat.

He was alone at his table when three different girls came up to him, working their charm to try and get an invite but all three were sent back, including two other boys.

"Who's that?" Taehyung asked a friend who worked at the club.

"Jeon Jungkook, son of drug lord Jeon Wonwoo and sole heir"

The Jeon mafia wasn't one of the most bloody mafias but it certainly was amongst the most powerful in town, hell, in the country.

Taehyung couldn't stop himself from looking over at the boy every chance he had, he was only sitting and talking with other VIP members but not smiling or moving much. His mere presence demanded respect and felt more powerful than having an entire army in front of you.

The mix of drugs, the hot air and the loud music had given Taehyung a massive headache and the effects of the drug were slowly but surely getting to him and so he woke up the next day in his one bedroom, kitchen and bathroom all in one apartment, wondering how he had survived.

For the next two weeks Taehyung went back to the club, cutting down on the amount of drugs he inserted in his body and spending most of his nights at the bar, staring at Jeon Jungkook who had also made a habit of coming every night. The girls and boys still desperately tried to make an impression on him but the boy had shown no interest in them.

Two hours later when the club was at its peak, one of Jeon's bodyguard came to stand next to Taehyung.

"The boss wants to see you"

Taehyung chuckled and looked at his friend, behind the bar.

"I'm sorry, who?" his smile was wiped off when the guard grabbed his shoulder and threw him on his feet, dragging him away before pushing him in front of Jeon Jungkook.

"Jesus, even my hookups didn't grab me like that" he scoffed looking at the guard up and down.

In front of him, Jungkook wore an all-black outfit, with a black and golden belt that highlighted what seemed to be an extremely small waist which contrasted with the large shoulders and bulging biceps that the well-tailored suit perfectly showed.

"A crude mouth, what a waste"

"Excuse me???" Taehyung's eye shot to where Jungkook was.

"Someone with a face like yours shouldn't speak like that"

"Yeah well I could say the same about you. Why bother being so pretty if you're a prick"

The guard behind Taehyung set out to grab him but stopped when Jungkook lifted his hand.

"It's not everyday I get called that"

"I bet, you probably kill anyone who dare oppose you"

Taehyung was pissed off, ever since he had been brought here the black haired male hadn't even lifted his eyes once, too busy staring down at his glass the entire time.

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