My stupid werewolf

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Its midnight I lock my door and leave my house. As I walk the streets I breath in the wintry night air. My favorite moment of the day, midnight, walking in the cold, lonely streets, the moonlight isthe only light in the night, as I look up I see it's full moon tonight. 

Great I think to myself, werewolves must be everywhere tonight, I must be careful you see the friend ship between vampires and werewolf is difficult and fragile, we both stick to our pack (for werewolf) or nest (for vampire) and we limit our interaction, it's the only way we can survive. I hear footsteps behind me and smirk, maybe tonight the prey came to me instead of me chasing it. 

 I keep walking as if I hadn't noticed until a made a quick turn in a dark alley, the footsteps followed me in. Weird I think, I stop and turn away in an attempt to grab the other's throat but that person is fast jumps back landing on his four. 

He then jumps in attempt to attack me but I'm faster and this time I have full access to his throat. I raise my arm and grab him by the throat and bring his face next to mine as I whisper in his ear

"You're quick for a werewolf but not fast enough for a vampire Jungkook". I release my grip as the boy falls down panting, I glare at the raven boy. "What are you doing here alone without your pack?"

"There is no more pack" 

"Then who are you with, you know its forbidden for a werewolf or even for a vampire to be on their own" I look at him confused.

"Don't worry I'm gonna join another pack soon, their leader, Namjoon, is strong and wise"

"You used to say the same about your leader"

"Jackson was a great leader, but he was no match for that vampire, Namjoon is an alpha, he'll protect us. What about your nest" I see him dust his pants and look at me.

"I left them with my most trusted co-leader" I answer.

"Yoongi? How is he doing"

"Still thirsty as ever" I smirk and look at Jungkook. "We should go, it's not safe for you if you're on your own, let's go back to my place"

"You worried about me?" He smirked

"I'm worried about me you prick, you're an outlaw as long as you haven't join Namjoon's pack" he looks down and starts to walk out of the alley, I sigh and follow him.

 We enter my house and sit down on the couch, I was a bit weak since I hadn't eaten in two months and gave up on hunting tonight for Jungkook. 

"How long has it been? Since you've eaten?" He looked at me and seemed to understand how weak I was.

"It doesn't matter"

"How long?" He asked and I sighed before answering him.

"Two months Taehyung?!" His head whips to the side and I see his eyes turn red for a split second.

"I'm old now Jungkook. I don't need a lot of blood, you know that"

"I also know that two months ago was when you fed of me, Tae" I blushed and looked away. I hadn't fed of anyone else, I couldn't, the younger's blood was special, it was my favorite. Ever since that day, anyone else's blood tasted blend, I couldn't drink from anyone else.

"Feed of me" He said as he sat down on the couch.

"Jungkook, you know I can't" I say and sit down next to him. Werewolve's blood wasn't like human's, if we drink too much we could lose control, it made us even more dangerous, like a drug.

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