The dinner party

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Taehyung stopped in front of the door and pondered whether or not he should ring the bell or leave. He was standing in front of the Jeon's house; the Kims, the Parks and the Jeons had been friends since their parents met in high school and Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung had been friends ever since, all being born a month apart from each other.

Lately though, Taehyung had gotten feelings for Jungkook and was hating himself for it. Jungkook was like a brother to him, how could he feel that way? And the worst part was Taehyung was pretty sure Jungkook knew...

"Taehyung! So glad you could make it!" Mrs.Jeon opened the door and greeted him. "Your parents said they weren't sure you would be coming."

She brought him in and everyone welcomed him. Jimin's sister was playing a card game with Jungkook's sister and Taehyung's brother on the table as the parents drank wine and talked in the living room.

"Jungkook and Jimin are upstairs, maybe you could bring them down? Spend some time here with us?"

"Sure" Taehyung nodded his head and made his way up. Without even knocking, the boy entered the room and sure enough, Jimin was lying down on the bed and Jungkook was playing with his phone on the chair.

"Tae, you're here" Jimin greeted.

"Glad you could come" Jungkook looked at him and Taehyung felt incredibly uneasy.

He went to sit on the bed and talked with Jimin a bit while Jungkook played on his phone. He wanted so bad for the ravenette to put down that damn phone so the two could talk and laugh. Ever since they had left high school, the three boys didn't spend as much time together as before and now that he could spend some time with Jungkook, he'd like it if the boy could set aside his damn phone.

Taehyung was still staring at Jungkook when the boy lifted his gaze from his cell and looked at him. Taehyung immediately shifted his eyes towards his hands, but he knew Jungkook had caught him staring.

After about twenty minutes, the three boys came down and sat down in the living room with everyone else. He was sitting opposite from Jungkook and would steal glances towards him every time he could but it wasn't as if he wanted to, it was more like he was drawn towards the elder.

Each time he would look, Jungkook would eventually look his way as well making Taehyung look away. Taehyung's eyes fell onto the ravenette once more and the boy was already looking at him. Taehyung looked away and exhaled deeply, why was Jungkook looking at him so much? They had already made eye contact more than a hundred times tonight, was something going on? Or was it all in Taehyung's mind?

When it was time to eat dinner, he sat down first, next to his sister and when the chair to his left got pulled out, he saw Jungkook sitting next to him. Did he choose to sit there on purpose? There were still many seats left.

Dinner started and Taehyung was having a hard time eating or doing anything with Jungkook sitting next to him. Their legs had already touched a few times and he didn't know what to do. Was Jungkook doing it on purpose? But he wasn't even looking at him.

At some point their thighs touched and Jungkook turned his head to look at Taehyung. The latter got goosebumps from the ravenette's stare and got up. He excused himself and went to the bathroom.

"Pull yourself together, Taehyung!" He scolded himself and threw some water on his face. He opened the door and left but saw someone in front of him, a few meters away from the dining room.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, I just had to go to the bathroom"

"That was way too quick, even for you. Besides, you went right before dinner. So, you okay?" He asked again and walked closer to where Taehyung was standing.

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