My sugar daddy pt 2

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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open. He looked to the left to see if last night events were real or just a dream. To his disappointment no one was laying next to him. The small male sat up and realised that this wasn't his bedroom and hope returned to his petit body. 

Quickly he threw on a large white shirt that stopped mid thigh and ran downstairs. The excitment making him forgot about the pain in his lower region. He wanted to see the buff male so badly and there he was, making pancakes. Taehyung sat on a chair awkwardly. What happens next? Do they act like a couple or was it a friends with benefit kind of thing? Jungkook noticed the male and a smile attached to his lips.

"Good morning princess. Did you sleep well?" Taehyung nodded eagerly as a response. 

"Daddy, did you sleep well?" Taehyung asked. 

"Yes baby, you were next to me how could I not sleep well?" Taehyung felt his blood rush to his face and spread across his cheeks. Jungkook put some water and tablets on the table. 

"Take one you must be sore." Taehyung nodded while Jungkook pulled the male so he was on his lap. Taehyung took a tablet and drank some water. 

"Good boy." Jungkook praised pecking his slightly tanned forehead. "What do you want to do baby tiger?" And Taehyung pondered. 

"I don't know daddy, you pick." Taehyung said. He felt the pressure get to him and he didn't understand why he was so close to Jungkook.

"No baby you pick, you are my princess after all." Taehyung smiled brightly and pecked the males lips. 

"Is that all I get?" Jungkook asked with a small pout. 

"Yes I'm not redoing last night, I'm still in pain." Jungkook laughed while Taehyung lightly hit his shoulder. 

"Okay princess what do you want to do? You can do anything." Jungkook said kissing Taehyung's neck. The boy pushed Jungkook lightly as a warning not to go too far. 

"Anything daddy as long as I'm with you." Jungkook pecked Taehyung's forehead again. 

"Are you still sore?" Jungkook asked. 

"Little bit."

"How about overwatch? Ever played it baby?" Taehyung nodded excitedly resembling a puppy that was offered a new toy. 

"Come on than let's go play." Taehyung followed the handsome male into his bedroom. Memories of last night played in Taehyung's head causing him too blush again.


"Daddy, you beat me again!" Taehyung whined with a pout. 

"Aww baby tiger don't pout." Taehyung continued to pout so Jungkook pecked Taehyung's plump lips. 

"Again! Again! Again!" Taehyung cheered like a child. 

"Okay princess but if Daddy wins you can't complain." Taehyung muttered a small okay before starting up a new game. Just as Jungkook was close to wining Taehyung kissed him softly. He knew Jungkook wouldn't and couldn't resist. Thankfully he knew his players move and was easily destroying Jungkook.

"I won!!" Taehyung shouted happily. 

"Yah that was cheating." Jungkook whined. 

"No it wasn't. I didn't tell you to kiss me back." Jungkook groaned and glared at the male. 

"That was cheating i deserve a...." Jungkook didn't finish.

 "A what?" Taehyung asked getting impatient.

 "A free kiss whenever I like." Taehyung whined even though he liked the idea. 

"Fine..." he said trying to keep a cool aura before he crawled into Jungkook's lap ignoring the game. 

"You okay baby tiger?" Jungkook asked. He continued playing but he kept his arms around Taehyung.

 "Daddy, I don't understand what we are. What am I to you?" Jungkook paused the game. 

"What are you to me?" He stopped for a while. 

"Well baby tiger I haven't known you for a long time...." Taehyung's heart sank. 

"But I'm so attached to you, you're amazing, beautiful, cute, funny and smart. Baby you're my ideal type and I'm lucky to have met you." Taehyung smiled widely. He has never felt so loved. Nobody showed as much admiration as Jungkook, nobody showed love towards Taehyung but here the muscular male was, pouring all his feelings into sentences.

Taehyung hugged him tightly. "Never would I ever leave you daddy, ever."


Finally part 2!

I want to thank jhopeisperfect1 for all the help writing these oneshots, you truly are the best.  i love this fluff oneshot, hope you like it as well <3 

Edit: Corrected the oppa kink once again and gave it more structure :)

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