Love me tender

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Taehyung had always been a quiet kid and now that he was an adult, that hadn't changed. He was rather tiny and feminine, which had caused him a lot of harassment and mean comments during his teen years and even now.

He worked in a bookstore and a few weeks ago had started going out with the man of his dreams. His name was Jeon Jungkook and he was a faithful customer. He had been going to the bookstore three times a week for months and him and Taehyung would always chat.

Seeing Jungkook was the highlight of his day and he waited for that moment every day. A few weeks ago however, the ravenette had asked him out. At first, Taehyung thought it was a joke or even a hallucination, but no, the boy really wanted to go out with him.

Saying that Taehyung was exited and overwhelmed was an understatement. Four dates later, Jungkook had officially asked him to be his boyfriend. The boy would still come in three times a week or even more now. Every time he saw him, the light haired boy would fanboy and forget that man was now his boyfriend.

The two had kissed and touched a few times but still hadn't done the deed. Taehyung wasn't a virgin, but he hadn't had a lot of partners either. He was very anxious and afraid to disappoint Jungkook. The man had never pressured him into doing anything, on the contrary, he had always been very gentle. But, Jungkook was tall, incredibly well built and had the face and body of a Greek god, how could he ever want someone like Taehyung? Someone who wore big sweaters and with baggy pants and high knee socks that clearly weren't meant for men.

With an anxious sigh, Taehyung entered his apartment and surely enough, Jungkook was there waiting for him.

"How was your day?" He greeted him with a kiss and looked at him with a sweet smile.

"Why are you with me?" Taehyung deadpanned. He may have been a shy person, when something bothered him he wouldn't hesitate to talk about it. Something Jungkook particularly liked about him.

"Where is this coming from?" Jungkook chuckled and helped his boyfriend with his bag.

"I mean look at you, you're so sexy and hot and incredibly pretty. You can get anyone..."

"You think I'm sexy?" Was all Jungkook said making Taehyung quirk an eyebrow.

"Of course I do, I'm not crazy"

"You've never said that to me" The ravenette grabbed Taehyung's hands in his and brought him closer. "You've never called me sexy" He kissed his left cheek. "Or hot" He said and kissed his right cheek.

"Well be-because it never came up" The boy was blushing furiously and could feel himself getting warmer and warmer.

"It actually makes me very happy to hear you say that, you know" Jungkook stroke the younger's cheek and brought their lips together.

They had kissed many times, but this time felt different. Taehyung placed both of his hands on his boyfriend's waist and brought him closer to him. The kiss was slow and lustful for both of them. 

The light haired boy was fumbling with the hem of Jungkook's shirt, toying with the desperate need to take it off.

"Tae-" Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence when Taehyung placed a finger on his mouth.

"Shh. I have a super hot boyfriend, and I'm going to take advantage of it" Jungkook was impressed with the words coming out of his boyfriend's mouth but wasn't going to complain. If Taehyung was ready, then so was he.

The ravenette immediately took of his shirt before taking off Taehyung's. Like two magnets, the two boys were already joined together again. Their lips danced together as their hands roamed each other's body.

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