Chapter 8: The Beginning of the End

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I'm sorry if I had made any mistake in the timeline....these things happen

It had all happened too soon too fast, like those sky scrapers being brought down with a single explosive. I have a hunch that you all know what might have happened and its time that you read about it through Larry narrative.
It has only been a few months since Zayn had left, devastating times. The boys had to work extra hard, and they didn't or couldn't comprehend that Simon asked Harry and louis to team up with a few others to compose a song. No... Wait... Write a song. Well now that's better.
Thus began the process of making 'perfect', it was beautiful, and from their heart. They wanted their story to be told in a different way, they succeeded it, and fans enjoyed it. Sad thing, Simon earned through their pain. But what worse was One Direction, the best boy band in the world was collapsing from the inside, the boys wanted to hold on as much as they could,but the bigger the strain but put on them, bigger the drift it became.
Some crucial decisions were made in between the release of 'Drag me Down' MV and 'Made in the AM' official album launch (21/08/2015 - 21/10/2015). That's doesn't mean that was the only time they thought about it and wanted to make a few changes in their careers, it has been their for a long time in the minds of every single one of our boys.
In December they performed in X-Factor, and released 'History' MV in January and One Direction became ellipsis there on after.

Ellipsis: it means a long pause, I wanted a more dramatic word to use instead of extended hiatus :)

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