Chapter 34: Z to the rescue

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While Hazel and Louis were busy with touring, and Thalia all lost in her own mind of possibilities, a friend of Hazel, Louis and especially Harry set upon a mission to make things right and help Hazel in reuniting Harry with Louis.
About five days after the ballroom incident, Zayn made a visit to Harry's, he had seen him in his best and worst......but the Harry he saw five days ago was someone who he had a hard time recognising. Harry received him half drunk, and out of mind.
'Oh my god Harry it's ten o'clock in the morning, what is up with you?' Zayn couldn't believe what stood before him.
'Oh it's Zayn isn't it, the one that left us, who turned the other direction.'
'Harry you know damn well why I left, and look who's talking first.'
'Fine fine you win, so why are you here?'
'I'm alright, my baby girl is alright thanks for asking by the way, and I can to check on how you were doing.'
'Did....did that girl send you?'
'What? Who are you talking about? What is with you?' Zayn knew exactly who he was talking about.
'So you're telling me, you can all by yourself, with the decision you made.....not because that...that girl with Louis sent you.'
'No one sent me Harry, can't a guy visit to check on his friend?'
'Alright alright, come on in take a seat. What do you want beer? Wine? Water? Cheesecake?'
'No thank you, now just come and sit here. We need to talk.'
'Okay then you're good, you came to talk what is it?', Harry spoke in his regular sober tone.
'You were acting all this time like you were drunk? Why?'
'Just to make sure, that's all. Please Zayn I'm sorry, I had to make sure.'
'Make sure of what?'
'Do whatever you want Harry I'm sick of your drama.'
'So tell me, how are you? How's Anne and Gemma?'
'They're good.......but......I don't think I am.'
' know that you can always talk to me right? What is it anything I can do?'
'I know brother, it's just I'm so confused. I get so angry I don't know what I'm doing.' Zayn could read the confusion in his face, it was so genuine that made Zayn a little confused. 'Okay Zayn stop staring at my face.'
'Um...ooh...yeah sorry. About what are you confused? Harry you are one of the most confident people I've ever met. Whatever it is you can get through it.'
'I can...I know I can....but when it comes to's like I'm going in circles.'
'I don't understand what is there about Louis that's confusing you.'
'The girl who he always hangs out with......she's the one that's causing me all this trouble.'
'Don't be ridiculous Harry she's just his friend, maybe his best friend that's all, nothing more. Trust me I know.'
'I was his best friend, and her name is Hazel for god's sake. How can I be calm about this?'
'Her name made you question the love Louis has for you? What got into your head man? Whatever it is snap out of it'
'You really think so?'
'I know so.........Harry look, I've known both of you for a long time and trust me no one can replace you or your love you have for each other ever, and sorry for lying before I do know Hazel well. She's a good person man, all she wants is you two to be together.'
'I....I really think of it that way. I just thought he had moved on with her.'
'If he had moved on why did he ask for a dance silly?'
'Oh my god I've to make things right. I...I must apologise to Hazel.....I've meet her, Zayn....Zayn please help me. I made a terrible terrible mistake.'
'Calm down Harry just calm down, okay she's not angry at all, she knows you okay, and they both are a little busy now. Lou just announced his tour dates, so for a while we can't disturb them. Tell you what the first day they come back, you can talk to her okay.'
'Thank you Zayn, you saved my life. I don't what I'd have done if you hadn't come over today.'
'Don't be over dramatic Harry, you'd have confronted Hazel and she'd have told you the truth that's all, it wouldn't have taken any wrong turns like you fear.'
Hearing Louis is going on tour, made Harry think.......come up with something no one could've expected. The fact that nothing could ever beat that is a different story that needs not to be bothered.

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