Chapter 14: Songs

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(Louis' POV)
I was being honest when I said I hadn't heard any Harry's songs, it was too hard for me. Lottie had asked thousand of times to listen to them but I just couldn't bring myself to it. I learnt that they were huge success, but...well you know me, if I make a decision I tend to stand by it. Right until my new friend decided to make me listen to some.
She was searching for her phone in her bag like she was dumpster diving, her head was inside the bag, poor girl so I decided to help her out saying, green, your phone is on my coffee table. That's when the dumb girl realised it.
'Ooh here it is, fanks Lou', she smirked. Is she quirky or is she try a be funny? I couldn't guess. She had a beautiful lock screen wall, a picture of me with my love and her Home Screen was all five of us, our last photo shoot picture. It was a wonderful day.
'Louis I know you decided not to listen to any of Harry's, but please, just please listen to these three songs for me. Please', she was almost on her knees begging with her phone held out in her hand, and a playlist of hers in Spotify opened.
Putting up some fuss, I finally took the phone from her with three songs set in the queue to play. "Sweet Creature, Two Ghosts and Golden". I hit play and just sat there waiting to hear Harry's voice. Sweet Creature started playing, and when it came to the part, " And oh we started two hearts in one home. It's hard when we argue we're both stubborn I know but oh. Sweet creature, Sweet creature wherever I go, you bring me home" that's when it hit me, it was about me. He had written about our fight, our mistakes, and more importantly our undying love for each other. I now realised how much he still loves me, the realisation hit me again and again, with Two Ghosts and Golden as well, the way we couldn't live a happy and open life in this reality, he's hoping for a better one in the next, and so am I.

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