Chapter 31: Do You Really Love Me?

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'Harry what was that all about? Why did you lie?', Harry was driving so fast, Thalia felt both physically and mentally hazy.
'I didn't lie, I told the truth', he looked at Thalia from his heart?! Was he really in love or was it just an instant bad decision he took out of anger? 'No one cares for me like you do Thalia, I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge that the way I should have a long time ago.'
'Harry, I always thought of you like my big brother, I never had feelings for you in such a manner. You need to get your head straight.'
'Can you drop this, we'll talk about this later', he snapped. Maybe Thalia was true, he had to get his head straight.
He drove to his place, didn't drop her at her house, so he was being honest when he said they can talk about it later.
Thalia asked him the same questions again, he didn't change his answer, but he explained it to her further.
'No I am thinking straight, no one is better for me than you Thalia, please understand it. I'm not trying to get closure for my failed relationship with Louis by saying that I love you...I've been thinking about this for a long time now.'
'Then answer me one question....just one Harry, I've been by your side for a long time, we've been through so much, and I haven't change at all. Why all of a sudden? Specifically why after seeing Louis with Hazel the other day? You just decided he had moved on and so should you. Be honest to yourself and answer my question. Say no, and then we'll discuss about us, but now it's not about us, it's about Louis and you.'
He didn't talk back, he realised it was true.......he just sat back and tried to calm down. He realised he messed up, took it too far. He has hurt himself and others, but the fact that he cared and loved Thalia was true.
He was so confused now, what should he do...nothing?! Was it too late?!

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