Chapter 25: The Plan 1

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Just because it didn't get mentioned doesn't mean Hazel and Thalia forgot about their work, they were doing great, being the best and being up-to-date about their relevant jobs. Maybe distractions make people work more concentrated.
Both Hazel and Thalia's reminder notifs chimed at eight o'clock. Liam had asked them to come at five that evening, and join him and Maya for dinner as well.
After work, they both freshened up and got ready, they were meeting another one of their favourite idols today. Hazel offered to pick up Thalia, Thalia's place was in the way to Liam's so it wasn't an extra task for her.
They were very punctual and was at Liam's door at five sharp, he opened the door with a warm wide smile he always has, he didn't want them to jump into the topic right away, he could see them nervous, so he wanted them to cool off, and wanted to get to know them better as well.
After chatting a bit, Hazel decided to get to the point,
'So this is what is going on, you know I'm working with Lou and Thalia here works with Harry.'
'Yes and, we're pretty close with them too......' Thalia dragged.
'Yours I knew hers I didn't, okay so why did you need my help? What do I have to do?'
'See they're still in love.' Thalia dropped it like a bomb and let it sink in.
'They broke up like 3 years ago?! Wait was it 3 or 4?'
'Does it really matter, what matters is the fact that they're still not over each other and they're making themselves miserable. We can't stand seeing them like that.' Hazel hurried.
'Ok so what are you going to do about it?'
'Well we kinda thought of arranging an event or something and make them come and you know!' Thalia took a whole minute to finish the last part.
'And you want me because.........'
'Because we need someone common and in touch with both of them to get them to a particular place.'
'So do you think it'd work? I mean can't you take em to a park or something?'
'We did think about it, first we wanted it to be special and second what can we say to them, if it's something like this we can easily get them to come', Hazel justified.
'Well thought, how long have you been planning this?'
'Since we learnt we knew Harry and Louis personally and the fact they still love each other.'
'Okay so what's the event you have in mind.'
Hazel took out her phone and showed him a screenshot of a tweet conversation.
'He instantly got the idea, okay ballroom dancing, what about the guests?'
That's where the girls' brain froze, they didn't know who to invite and what type of friends circle they wanted to be present there.
'Umm....we have a short ...very short people... you know...You, Harry, Louis, me and Hazel additionally we want Niall and Zayn that's all.'
Liam looked genuinely puzzled, and said 'What!!! Nooooo.'
'Why what is it? Won't they be there?'
'No I'll look into it, but it has to be a ball not a party you need more people.'
'I can try Bebe, Thalia you try Lizzo... we still need more people. about Ben and James? I'm sorry Liam we're putting you into more and more trouble I'm so so sorry.'
'Oh hey, no don't worry about it, it'll be like a small reunion, but a very private one. Let me text Niall right away.'
He walked away with his phone in hand after a few minutes he came back asking, 'he would you two be able to stay a little longer than planned? Someone's in town and is very much in on this plan.'
'OH MY GOD, it's Niall isn't it...please say yes, please say yes.'
'Yes' Liam replied with an assuring smile.

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