Chapter FortyTwo

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"I miss Sammy and Charlie." I pout.

"You'll see them soon enough." Elora shrugs.

"Yeah, in like two weeks." I huff.

"There is a wonderful thing called Skype." She suggests.

"Mum and Dad don't have it." I shrug.

"Well that's stupid." She frowns.

I just sit down on the couch and watch the TV, it's on some cooking show. Perrie sits down next to me and Elora and Eleanor start quietly talking about something over in the corner.

I pull out my phone and go on twitter. I just retweet a few things and follow a couple people. I get bored of that quite quickly. Until I see a photo of Niall apparently in Australia. That means I might see him, apparently he's already been here a week and the boys came yesterday.

"Guys, we're all going out." Eleanor says.

"Where?" Perrie asks.

"Not saying." Elora shrugs.

"But dress to impress." Eleanor adds.

We all go to our rooms to get changed. I decide on a white dress that comes up to mid thigh with a gold belt around the middle and a light blue blazer type thing, and cream coloured heels.

When we're all ready we walk outside and into the limo. I go to look out the window, but it's completely black.

"What's with the windows?" I ask.

"Where we're going is a surprise." Eleanor shrugs.

"And we're blind folding you before we get out." Elora adds and I groan.

Soon the car stops and we get blind folded. They help us out of the car and guide us out. When I hear screams, I start to think they took us to a top notch place with paps. If they did and there is photos of me with a blindfold on, I will kill them.

"Steps." Elora says, and I bring my knees up higher when I step.

"You guys look so funny." Eleanor giggles.

When I can't feel the wind anymore and my heels hitting the ground sounds different, I know we're inside.

"Can we take them off now?" I ask.

"Nope." They say at the same time.

They guide us through somewhere and suddenly stop us.

"Now you can." Eleanor says and I pull mine off.

We're in front of a door. Just a plain white door. Elora leans forward and knocks on it.

I hear shuffling around then the door opens and we're greeted by Niall.

"Niall!" I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close for a hug.

"Holy shit, what are you doing here?" He asks, hugging me back.

"I don't even know." I shrug, pulling away, he laces our fingers together.

"Lads! You might want to see this!" Niall calls and I watch them as the all stand up and walk over, their bored expressions turning into massive smiles.

"You look nice." He tells me and drags me over to the couch.

"Thanks." I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"So, not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I don't know." I shrug. "Elora and Eleanor told us that we were all going to Australia, just for a little holiday, we didn't know we were coming here."

"Well it was a lovely surprise." He say, pecking my lips.

"For me too." I agree.

"Wait, where are the kids?" He asks.

"Apparently they couldn't come with us, I don't know, ask one of them." I shrug.

There's a knock on the door and I look to everyone else, but they are too busy talking.

"You two might want to get that." Elora says, then goes back to her conversation with Harry. We both stand up and walk to the door.

Niall opens it and the sight makes me want to cry. Ashton and Luke are standing there with Charlie and Sammy in their arms. They hand them over to us and I thank them.

They walk in and sit down and Niall and I sit down on the couch. I sit Charlie in my lap and Niall sits Sammy in his lap.

I watch as Sammy grabs Niall's fingers and moves Niall's hands.

"There's a baby." Harry exclaims and before I can do anything, he has taken Charlie off me and he's making faces at her and she's giggling.

"Harry likes babies." I state and Niall chuckles.

"He sure does." He agrees.

When Charlie stops giggling at Harry, he hands her back to me and she leans her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes. She must be tired.

Ashton sits down next to Elora and Elora smiles at him.

"How's this girl you met who already has a boyfriend?" She asks him and he groans.

"She's doing good." He nods.

"What's her name?" I ask him.

"Not saying." He shakes his head.

"Bella." Luke speaks up.

"So her and Izzy have the same name?" Elora asks.

"Pretty much, yeah." Luke nods.

I look over to Ashton to see him glaring at Luke.

(a/n: Hello! In case you were wondering, yes, it is Bella from Stolen I thought I'd try to put them put parts from one story into the other, so if you read Stolen there will probably be things from this story in there, and if you haven't read it, you should probably get around to it (:

Also, sorry if my writing is making a turn for the worse, it's because I have had a massive headache the past two days, and it isn't going away, so I've been a little distracted, and my back has just decided it wants me to be in pain every single time I move, but I will hopefully be feeling better soon, so my writing will go back to, just bad, not really, really bad xx)

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